Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Battle for the Bundestag: German Election of 2009

On September 27, 2009 the German voters decided in favor of a change in the German government. After four years of a grand coalition between the CDU/CSU and SPD, the …

Looking Ahead: The United States, Germany, and Europe in 2020

Policy Report 40 What will the world look like in 2020? While this is ultimately unknown, in Policy Report 40, Jackson Janes asserts that over this time, the transatlantic community …

Toward a Transatlantic Eastern Policy? The U.S., the EU, and the “In-Between States”

Policy Report 38 In Policy Report 38, Dr. Kai-Olaf Lang, former DAAD/AGI Fellow and Senior Associate at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, examines the European and American policies vis-à-vis Russia and …

Waiting for September: German-American Relations Between Elections

Issue Brief 30 As Germany approaches its September federal election, how will this election shape German-American relations in the coming months? In Issue Brief 30, Jessica Riester, Research Program/ Publications …

A New Map for American-German Relations: Memorandum to the New U.S. President

In January 2009, you—Mr. President—the United States, and the world will be facing numerous challenges of enormous importance ranging from the crisis in the global financial markets to the global …

Crossing the Red Lines? The Grand Coalition and the Paradox of German Foreign Policy

Policy Report 32 As the U.S. presidential election in 2008 and the German parliamentary election in 2009 loom large on the horizon, the topic of Afghanistan and the joint ISAF …

Sixty Years After the Founding of the Jewish State: Are German-Israeli Relations Still “Special”?

German-American Issues 8 In the sixty years since Israel’s founding, German-Israeli relations have been nothing if not complex. On the occasion of Israel’s sixtieth anniversary, the essays in German-American Issues …

Commerce, Climate Change, and China: German-American Challenges in 2009

Issue Brief 23 In light of the recent economic downturn, the U.S. presidential candidates and the American public are focusing increasingly on economic issues in the 2008 campaign. While economic …

Security and Stability: German and American Cooperation in Times of Transition

Issue Brief 21 Security issues have weighed heavily on the transatlantic partnership since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Yet different threat perceptions have sometimes led to different German …

Religion and its Impact on Foreign Policy in the United States and Germany: Similarities and Differences

Issue Brief 20 After September 11, attention has shifted in the scholarly and policy communities to religion as a major factor in foreign policy. Islamic fundamentalism and the West’s relationship …

The U.S. and Germany in the United Nations: Cooperation Prospects and Conflict Potential

Issue Brief 8 The United States and Germany have long supported the United Nations. In recent years, however, the two countries have at times been at loggerheads over whether or …

The UN After Sixty: Challenges for the Future

Issue Brief 7 In 2005, at the occasion of the UN’s sixtieth anniversary, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called on world leaders to “recapture the spirit of San Francisco and …