Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Transatlantic Dialogue on China: Perceptions, Conflicts, and Potentials

Issue Brief 57 For both Germany and the United States, China has become a foreign policy priority: a major strategic competitor in the Asia-Pacific region for the United States, and …

An Accidental Brexit – Key Insights Beyond the Snap Election

 The British EU-referendum of 2016 resulted in a 51.9 percent majority in favor of Brexit. There are, however, serious doubts about whether this referendum was an orderly one. One can …

The German-American Relationship: What’s In It for the U.S.?

The German-American relationship has gone from Bush 41’s call for a Partnership in Leadership to Trump’s view of Germany as one of America’s adversaries.  His National Security Advisor and top …

The British Roll the Dice…Again

When Angela Merkel delivered her shot over the bow toward Washington, DC, following her encounter with Donald Trump, it was not only aimed at that city but also across the …

The Specter of Uncertainty: Policies for Strengthening the Transatlantic Relationship from the Next Generation of Leaders

Policy Report 65 AGI is pleased to present the written results of the first year of its new project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement.” …

Populism: Signals and Noises

Yogi Berra once said that it’s very difficult to predict anything—especially the future. But when you are trying to face that task the biggest challenge is to ask the right …

Danger from Within: Today’s Threats to the Transatlantic Relationship

There is no doubt that the transatlantic relationship is facing one of its most difficult tests since the days of the Marshall Plan. For most of this time, the most …

Germany’s Priority Is Keeping the European Union Together: This Is Fundamentally in the U.S.’ Interest

In a widely-read interview with the German daily tabloid Bild just days before his inauguration, Donald Trump called the British decision to leave the EU “smart,” and predicted that other …

Pick Your Fights Wisely: The Value of Transatlantic Intelligence Cooperation

Chancellor Merkel’s recent visit to Washington, DC, created a number of quite remarkable moments that will be remembered as they marked a new tone in transatlantic relations. Not least, the …

Tomorrow’s Europe: A Never Closer Union

Europe is beset with multiple, intersecting challenges and crises, among them unwelcome inward migration, suffocating indebtedness in the southern tier, rising populist nationalism evident from Britain and France to Hungary …

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step: A Chinese Way of Leadership, U.S. and Germany Must Take Note

The highly anticipated first meeting between Donald Trump and China’s president Xi Jinping concluded quietly against the backdrop of U.S. missile strikes in Syria. Despite flawlessly choreographed appearances and mutually-assured …

Brexit Day

March 29, 2017 marks an historic day for Europe: The British government has handed over the official letter for exiting the European Union to EU president Donald Tusk. This move, …