Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Episode 45: Democracy as the Victor in Germany’s Federal Election

The September 26 German federal election marked a notable decline of the traditional big-tent parties (Volksparteien) and significant gains by the Green Party and the liberal Free Democratic Party, who …

Kai Oppermann, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Kai Oppermann as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Kai Oppermann is Professor of International Politics at the Chemnitz University of …

Episode 44: Climate Policy and International Economic and Financial Cooperation

Climate policy has become a major issue in German domestic politics and was a key topic for the recent German federal election. All major political parties in Germany included climate …

Trust as the Foundation of the Transatlantic Partnership in the Digital World

Ultra-fast 5G broadband cellular connectivity will advance a host of the technologies of the future, including Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, drones, and telemedicine, to name just a few. …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy for European Integration?

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s European legacy? Erik Jones Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Angela Merkel will be remembered for many things, but her grudging pragmatism in response …

Nudging Germany toward a More Strategic Economic Role

The Social Democrats have come out on top in yesterday’s German election and are likely to lead the next government. But despite their losses, the Christian Democrats may still have …

Globally Connected and Resilient – Thinking Foreign Economic Policy Strategically

Foreign and economic policies of most states can hardly be considered two separate spheres. In an increasingly multipolar world order, the return of geostrategy in the sense of 19th century-style …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Foreign Policy Legacy?

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s foreign policy legacy? Aylin Matlé Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Angela Merkel’s tenure will be remembered for the style rather than the substance of her chancellorship. Hers was …

Why Americans Should Care About the 2021 German Elections

In about two weeks, 60.4 million Germans will head to the polls to elect the new Bundestag and to determine the incoming chancellor. After sixteen years, Angela Merkel will see …

Nord Stream 2 Deal

Not a Gift to Putin but a Realistic Choice Opposition to the Biden administration’s deal with Germany over the lifting of sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project …

Revamping China Policy for The Transatlantic Alliance: Major Issues for the United States and Germany

Policy Report 71 How to deal effectively with China’s growing influence and global ambition is the top policy challenge for the United States, Germany, and the EU. China is no …