Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Mending Fences Online: The United States, Germany, and the Need for a Common Cyber Agenda

Stating the obvious, namely defining the forthcoming U.S. election as historic, trailblazing, and of global relevance, still seems to understate the interest America’s allies have taken in the heated presidential …

Growing Populism in the U.S. and Germany

Seemingly in all corners of the world right-wing populism is rising. A more chauvinistic renationalization of politics, criticism of free trade regimes and globalization, and a general coarsening of rhetoric …

Merkel: One More Time

Yogi Bera – that immortal American philosopher – once said that it is tough to make predictions, especially about the future. Well, here is one prediction. A year from now, …

“Considerate and Determined”: Germany’s Pragmatic Approach to Combatting Terrorism?

Germany has not yet experienced major coordinated terror incidents of the type that has hit the United States, Belgium, France, Turkey, and other countries. Two Islamist terror attacks in Bavaria, …

Leadership Profile: BND President Dr. Bruno Kahl

Dr. Bruno Kahl became president of Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst – BND) on 1 July 2016, replacing Gerhard Schindler about two years ahead of his expected retirement. As head …

Countering Jihadi Prison Radicalization in Germany and the U.S.

What, if anything, is being done in Germany or the United States to assess or address the issue of Jihadi prison radicalization? Prison radicalization moved to the top of Western …

A Reason to be Rattled? 

Over the next five months, the presidential campaigns are likely to be a demonstration of the worst side of American politics. The candidates expected to face each other—Donald Trump and Hillary …

Merkel On the Brink? Germany at a crossroad of domestic and foreign policy change

The domestic political disquiet over the refugees since the March 13 state elections in Germany has not subsided. On the contrary, the debate about German identity and the chancellor’s governance …

USA: Gegenwärtige FCC und FTC-Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Privacy

Die Federal Trade Commission (FTC) und die Federal Communications Commission (FCC) haben am  10.05.16 zwei getrennte Untersuchungsverfahren gegen  bestimmte TK-Anbieter und Hersteller von Smartphones etc. eingeleitet. Die US-Behörden wollen wissen, …

Prioritizing the Partnership: German-American Relations and the 45th President

Issue Brief 52 Foreign policy issues are usually not the driving force behind election campaigns. Compared with the high-pitched debate over domestic issues, only the most pressing foreign policy concerns become part of the public discussion. Yet the …

In God We Trust…All Others Have to Qualify

“In God We Trust,” that phrase enshrined on American currency, may be the only certainty in an era when trust is severely lacking in the government printing that money. And …

The New Head of Germany’s Foreign Intelligence Agency BND: A Noticeable Shift in Germany’s Internal Security Policy

Quite surprisingly, last Wednesday the German Chancellery confirmed the removal of Gerhard Schindler as president of the German Foreign Intelligence Agency (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND). Schindler will be officially replaced by Bruno …