Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Super Sunday Was Not Black Sunday

In spite of the wide-spread, largely foreign, media reaction to the three state elections, the sky did not fall on March 13. Chancellor Merkel’s unprecedented decision to welcome over one …

Landtagswahlen als Feste der Demokratie

Englische Version Flüchtlinge haben die Landtagswahlen vom Wochenende entschieden. Die Flüchtlingspolitik markiert 2016 die Machtfrage im Parteienwettbewerb. Alle drei Amtsinhaber wurden in Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen-Anhalt als Ministerpräsidenten bestätigt, weil sie …

Ein Parteiensystem im Umbruch

Koalitionsregierungen haben in Deutschland eine langeTradition, mehr noch auf der Bundesebene (dort gab es bisher keine andere Form der Regierung) als auf der Landesebene. Diese Zwei-oder Mehrfachkoalitionen sind in der Regel keine Wunschkoalitionen, sondern durch das Wahlergebnis erzwungen beziehungsweise durch die Stärke der Fraktionen nach der Wahl bestimmt.

It’s Not All About Refugees: Five Lessons from Germany’s Super Sunday

Last Sunday, three German Bundesländer—Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saxony-Anhalt—held their state elections. The federal states themselves are very diverse. The first is one of Germany’s most industrialized powerhouses and governed by …

Looking for Leadership, German Voters Send a Signal

Chancellor Merkel may not be very happy with the results of Sunday’s state elections in Germany, but she is not any worse off than she was on Saturday.  That is …

Migrant Crisis Leading to Rise of Far-Right Politicians

In advance of this Sunday’s state-level elections in three German states, The New York Times analyzes how the migrant crisis is building support for far-right leader Frauke Petry and her Alternative …

U.S. Immigration Policies Meet Criticism

In the United States, state-level immigration reform is seeing progress.  Undocumented immigrants in New York state will now be able to apply for teacher certification and professional licenses from the …

EU/U.S. Data Flows: New Privacy Shield List

U.S. Data Importers Need to Understand What They Are Getting Into. There was a resounding call for action by regulators and industry and the legal documents are now out in …

EU/U.S. Data Transfers: New Privacy Shield – How Does It Look and What Happens Next?

The EU is acting at breakneck speed to fill the legal gap that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) created in October, invalidating the Safe Harbor Agreement for EU/U.S. data …

Holding the Center Together: The Challenges of 2016 and Beyond

2015 did not end well for President Obama. 2016 did not begin well for Chancellor Merkel. But they will both face even more serious challenges in the new year. For …

Law Land: Germany as a Legal Super Power

German-American Issues 17 Germany has increasingly found itself in a leadership role in the twenty-first century.  On challenges ranging from Russian aggression in Ukraine, to the European economic crisis, to …

Accepting the Challenge: How German Parties (Can) Innovate

Facing the challenge of a continuously changing societal environment, German political parties are in a state of flux. Recent party reforms such as the initiatives by the Social Democrats (2011) …