Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

The German Election and German Defense

Foreign policy issues will not play a major role in the decision of most Germans when they go to vote on September 24, yet the campaign which now has opened …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Retreat of Western Liberalism

Edward Luce is an experienced veteran of U.S. affairs for the Financial Times, but his latest book takes a wider focus in an attempt to provide a framework for how …

The Social Democrat Dilemma

Germany’s Social Democrats are frustrated. Aside from being down in the polls behind Chancellor Merkel and the CDU/CSU, they seem to be plagued by some unfortunately timed incidents that will …

Free Democrats Thinking in New Ways

Germany’s Free Democrats stand a good chance of returning to national government after the German election next month. Polls suggest that the liberal party – “liberal” in the classical European sense, not …

The FDP: The Resurrection?

Will the FDP be returning to the stage of national government after the German elections next month? Maybe. Current polls suggest the Free Democratic Party (FDP) could be the coalition partner …

The Greens: The Reliability Test

It’s two months before the German election on September 24, and the Green Party is struggling to gain traction. Recent polls project single-digit support, with few indications of improvement. Not …

Merkel’s  Method: Another Encore

Germany’s summer vacation is about to be in full force and, with it, the so-called summer hole (Sommerloch). It’s often a silly time in the news, but is also a …

Net Neutrality Day of Action: Why Not in Europe?

Net Neutrality is the concept that everyone should have equal access to all online content (email, video, music, websites) without Internet providers being able to throttle, block, or discriminate against …

Germany’s Trust Test 

Three months from now, Germans will go to the polls to elect a new government. While German voters are not as subjected to a permanent election campaign mode as are …

Germany’s New Role…Like It or Not

Germany has become the “leader of the free world.” It didn’t ask for the role and it doesn’t want it, but it was thrust upon Germany by the sheer lack …

The Specter of Uncertainty: Policies for Strengthening the Transatlantic Relationship from the Next Generation of Leaders

Policy Report 65 AGI is pleased to present the written results of the first year of its new project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement.” …

Companies Compete. Countries Pursue Their Interests. That’s a Big Difference.

If it becomes a new White House mantra, a key paragraph that appeared in an op-ed by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and National Economic Council chief Gary Cohn in …