Transatlantic Perspectives


The Afghanistan War: Collective Memory Formation in the United States and Germany

Introduction More than eighteen years have passed since October 2001, when U.S. forces were deployed to Afghanistan after the Taliban regime refused to extradite Osama bin Laden and shut down …

The Dehumanization of Immigrants and the Rise of the Extreme Right

The ascendance of the far right has jolted both American and European politics. It has undermined liberal democracy in Hungary and Poland, and threatens it throughout Europe. That ascendance depends …

Transitional Justice as a Foreign Policy Issue across the Atlantic: Trends and Counter-trends

Transitional justice either describes a socio-political process in transitional societies after conflict or authoritarian rule or a set of measures that should facilitate this process. The process in general and …

U.S. and German Energy Policy at a Crossroads? The Transatlantic Partners and the Future of Energy Cooperation

I therefore propose that we have a discussion in the climate cabinet about how we could reach the goal of being CO2 neutral by 2050 and the discussion should not …

China Backlash: Toward a Transatlantic Agenda?

At a time when the transatlantic relationship is under greater strain than at any period since World War II, there is one issue that should be pushing the United States …

China’s BRI and Europe’s Response

During Chinese president Xi Jinping’s December 5 visit to Lisbon, China and Portugal signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in frame of the New Silk Road (“Belt and …

Europe, China, and a Stable Indo-Pacific Order

On November 23, 2018, gunmen linked to Baloch separatist groups from Pakistan’s restive southwest province killed four people in an attempt to strike the Chinese consulate in Karachi. Although no …

If Not the Chinese Belt-and-Road, Then What? Navigating A Multitude of Visions for the Indo-Pacific and Beyond

At the 2019 Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi last week, policy elites from the United States, Europe, and Asia rehearsed and debated the prospect of countering the Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative …

Us versus Them: The Steady Narrative of “Othering” in Historical and Contemporary Debates in Germany and the U.S.

Germany and the United States today face rising anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim sentiment as nativist politics on both sides of the Atlantic gain not only traction, but also legitimacy. From the …

Bridging Academic and Occupational Learning and Credentialing: Crossover Competency-oriented Program Shaping in U.S. Postsecondary Education

Research insights on approaches, challenges, and perspectives The Problem and Relevant Developments in the U.S. and in Germany Since the 1980s, American, German, and European experts and major stakeholders in …

The Radicalization of the Extreme Right: Charlottesville August 2017 and Chemnitz August 2018  

In Germany, as in the United States, we are confronted with growing right-wing radicalism. Right-wing populists or radicals “offer” “solutions” by addressing perceived or real weaknesses or even crises in …

Negative Campaigning in the U.S Midterm Elections: Role Model or Warning for German Campaign Strategies?

Negativity has always been a part of American election campaigns. As early as 1828, President Andrew Jackson invented “coffin handbills”—similar to what we would call a flyer or pamphlet today—to …