Transatlantic Perspectives


The Question of Military Action Against Iran – Of Busted Bunker Hopes and Short Fuses

Iran’s nuclear ambitions – and the West’s response – are analyzed by Non-Resident Fellow Dorle Hellmuth.

Invisible Redistribution to Weaker Economies? The Case for EU Automatic Stabilizers

The Greek financial crisis seems finally to have been overcome, thanks to emergency European Union (EU) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) lending to the Greek government.  Bondholders will have been …

Germany in Europe – From Vanguard to Laggard and Back Again?

Commenting on German foreign policy is hampered by the fact that this is a moving target,[1] today more so than ever,  To complicate things further, the target not only moves …

European Energy Security: A New Pattern of External Stability and Internal Risks

Introduction The fundamental dilemma of energy policy is its irreconcilable aims. Energy should be cheap, secure, and clean. While it is comparatively easy to achieve two of these objectives, it …

Building a Bridge over the Atlantic? The Impact of the Bologna Process on German and U.S. Higher Education

Driven by the Bologna Process, European higher education has undergone substantial changes in the past ten years. DAAD/AICGS Fellow Tonia Bieber discusses the changes from the Bologna Process and whether the reforms will have an influence on American higher education.

Why is There No PISA Shock in the U.S.? A Comparison of German and American Education Policy

When the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results from its third cross-country comparison of the knowledge and skills of high school students in early December 2007, …