Policy Reports


Overcoming the Lethargy: Climate Change, Energy Security, and the Case for a Third Industrial Revolution

Policy Report 34 Climate change is one of the most important challenges that the world faces today. In addition to the war in Iraq, climate policy was also one of …

Global Governance and the Role of NGOs in International Peace and Security

Policy Report 33 Global governance and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are becoming increasingly more important as the world grows more connected, less state-based, and more multinational. Issues that once fell under …

Crossing the Red Lines? The Grand Coalition and the Paradox of German Foreign Policy

Policy Report 32 As the U.S. presidential election in 2008 and the German parliamentary election in 2009 loom large on the horizon, the topic of Afghanistan and the joint ISAF …

Federalism and Environmentalism in the United States and Germany

Policy Report 31 In an increasingly interwoven and interdependent transatlantic community, the political decision-making process is expanding both horizontally and vertically. The actors on the policy stage are multiplying at …

Health Care and Pension Reform

Policy Report 30 Germany and the United States are facing similar challenges of aging populations. While the aging trend is stronger and more dramatic in Germany, both societies will have …

U.S. and German Approaches to the Energy Challenge

somewhat cyclical in recent decades…

Innovation in the United States and Germany: The Future

Policy Report 28 As mature, post-industrial economies, the United States and Germany confront a promising, if uncertain, future in the realm of innovation. How they approach that future—what they choose …

Innovation in the United States and Germany: Case Studies

As two pillars of the global economy, the status and future of applied innovation in the U.S.-German partnership constitutes a long term challenge to decision-makers on both sides of the Atlantic, albeit for slightly different, if convergent, reasons…

Innovation in the United States and Germany

Policy Report 26 As economic ties between the United States and Germany have grown steadily deeper and more intertwined, economic performance in one country increasingly affects the transatlantic partnership as …

The EU Services Directive: Nightmare or Opportunity? Implications for Transatlantic Business

Policy Report 25 The EU Services Directive is likely to become Community law by the end of 2006, promising that, by the end of the decade, the EU will have …

Industrial Lobbying within the European Union: Actors, Strategies, and Trends in the Multi-Level System

Policy Report 24 Deepening transatlantic economic integration has brought mutual benefit to the United States and Europe, but it has also created new potential for transatlantic conflict… Download Publication

The Stresses of Deep Integration: The Transatlantic Relationship’s New Economic and Political Challenges

Policy Report 23 As a consequence of deepening transatlantic economic integration, trade and financial ties between the United States and Germany today are a vital part of the bilateral relationship …