U.S. trade policy in the age of Trump: What role for Europe in the “New Nationalism”?
One year ago, the American public elected in Donald Trump a president who painted international trade not as a generator of U.S. prosperity and a multiplier of its national interest, …

Shattered by Glass: Working through Memories of Kristallnacht and Shanghai
We should learn from this story of the Shanghai Jews. But we haven’t learned.
Demise of the “Tech Utopia”: Toward Shared Responsibility
When it comes to regulation, no phrase so aptly expresses the Silicon Valley ethos better than Ben Horowitz’s maxim that, “in Silicon Valley, when you’re a private company, the entrepreneur …
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Support Our WorkDemocratizing the Economic and Monetary Union
With the Eurozone emerging from years of economic crisis, the reform of the currency union is now in the limelight. After the “election year” in Europe, the reform momentum has …

Who Belongs to the “We”? Ideas for a Jamaica Coalition
Scroll down to read the full commentary in German. As something of an exotic combination, a Jamaica coalition (CDU-CSU-FDP-Greens) could have the potential to staunch the chorus of outrage coming …

Europe’s Illusions
Although for more than 70 years common values were invoked to keep the transatlantic partnership together, now is the time to assert shared U.S.-German interests.

From farewell to a new Eastern policy and towards a new development
Poland and Germany were both initiators and drivers of a New Eastern policy linked to the Eastern neighborhood and Russia/Soviet Union. After WW II, Jerzy Giedroyc — a Polish writer, …

America’s Four Economic Families
The United States may have two major political parties, but it is becoming clear that it has four economic families: Small government + free trade = Mainstream Republicans Small government …