

A Survivor’s Luck: Reflections on Berlin and Shanghai

Harry Katz is lucky.[1] As a man who has had a life-long love of numbers, he knows the odds were stacked against him from the beginning: He was born a Jew …

Define and Deliver: The SPD Party Conference

Four months after Germans went to the polls to set the stage for a new government, they are finally a step closer. The vote at the January 21 SPD party …

For Germany’s Social Democrats, a Chance to be Europe’s Superman

It was 80 years ago this year that DC Comics first published Superman, and with this comic book series launched a franchise of superheroes that shows no sign of losing …

Trusting Each Other

Both sides of the Atlantic are faced with the challenge of digitalization. Digitalization is expected to be highly beneficial by spurring innovation, efficiency, and productivity growth. Yet, it is also …

Looking at Transatlantic Relations from the American-German Situation Room

I spent four weeks from late August to late September 2017 in the American-German Situation Room (AGSR), working to find out what direction the Trump administration’s trade policies would take …

Reforming the Eurozone: A Transatlantic Perspective

Over the last decade, the state of the Eurozone has become a serious concern in the transatlantic relationship. At the outset of the European sovereign debt crisis, the United States …

A Stronger German-American Alliance

Political surprises have been a theme in 2016 and 2017, starting with the Brexit referendum, to the election of Donald Trump, to the success of Emmanuel Macron’s new party in …

The Danger of Another Grand Coalition: German Democracy and the Dahrendorf Thesis

As the German political parties begin negotiations that could lead to yet another Grand Coalition, they should reread one of the best books written on contemporary German political culture, Ralf …

Do We Still Need “the West”?

Diagnoses of a “crisis” in transatlantic relations often raise questions about the future of “the West.” Over the last fifteen years, pundits and scholars have discussed a possible “end of …

Between Renewal and Responsibility: The SPD in the Face of the Paralysis of the Political Center in Germany

With the beginning of exploratory talks between SPD and CDU/CSU on January 7, 2018, the German political system offers a last opportunity to form a stable government after the September …

Fragile Friendships and Polarized Politics: Foreign Policy in 2018

If 2017 felt like a roller coaster ride, then tighten your seatbelt for 2018. The challenges confronting the German-American partners are only going to accelerate and the choices are only …

Atlanticist and “Post-Atlanticist” Wishful Thinking

The publication by a group of leading German Atlanticist foreign policy analysts of a manifesto, “In Spite of It All, America,” has prompted a lively debate about whether or not …