Germany Needs to Consider Military AI
In November 2019, the German federal government published an interim report, updating the public about Germany’s one year of artificial intelligence (AI) progress since the launch of its national AI …
Munich’s Lessons for U.S. Airports
Most airport travel in the United States is less than pleasant. A typical experience may include long waits in drab and uninviting corridors, a greasy pre-flight fast food meal, and …
A Stronger Germany in the Indo-Pacific?
On September 1, the German Federal Foreign Office released its new policy guidelines on the Indo-Pacific region, titled “Germany-EU-Asia: Shaping the 21st Century Together” (available only in German). The German …
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EU migration policy reform still stalled five years after peak of crisis The crisis that hit Europe in 2015 has never gone away. This summer, Germans reflected on the fifth …
The Linke’s Search for Leadership – and Direction
Otto von Bismarck is once reported to have said “Faust complains of having two souls in his breast. I have a whole squabbling crowd.” So it is with any leader …
QAnon Goes Global
“Please, Mr. President, make Germany great again.” It’s not every day that demonstrators in Germany plea for America’s president to come to their aid. But the August 29 anti-lockdown protest …
The Anticlimactic Opening of the Humboldt Forum
December will witness one of Germany’s (actually, Europe’s) biggest cultural events in at least a decade: the opening of a massive new museum and cultural complex in the heart of …
Winning Over Europe
Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi began his European tour this week, with planned stops in Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France, and Germany. China wants to recalibrate its ties with Europe …
The U.S.-EU Tariff Deal: Refreshing, but Bland
As part of an effort to resolve a dispute about lobster exports, the United States and the European Union agreed last Friday to reduce tariffs on approximately $270 million of …