Polish Perspectives
Following a visit to Warsaw, Executive Director Jack Janes discusses relations between Poland and both Germany and the U.S., as well as the changes in Europe which have placed Poland into an increasingly important role.
The Right Thing
In this week’s At Issue, Dr. Jackson Janes discusses the agenda around the G-20 meeting in Cannes, the role of the U.S., and the struggle to find the “right” responses to challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.
Merkel’s European Message
A version of Dr. Jackson Janes’ recent At Issue essay appeared in The Globalist on November 1, 2011: Merkel’s European Message.
Germany’s Telling Reaction to bin Laden’s Death
A version of Dr. Jackson Janes’ At Issue essay appeared in Real Clear World on May 14, 2011: Germany’s Telling Reaction to bin Laden’s Death.
Dr. Jackson Janes interviewed in Der Spiegel
Dr. Jackson Janes interviewed in “Mr. No entdeckt seine Liebe zu den USA,” by Gregor Peter Schmitz, Der Spiegel, May 11, 2011.
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Support Our WorkNo More ‘Guido Who?’
Dr. Jackson Janes quoted in “No More ‘Guido Who?’ Westerwelle’s Libyan Stance Irks Washington,” Der Spiegel, March 30, 2011.
Wahlergebnis Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Die Landtagswahlen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern waren eine Nebenwahl. Nur rund 1,4 Millionen Wähler wurden an die Wahlurne gerufen. Nur 51 Prozent beteiligten sich an der Stimmabgabe. Immer weniger entscheiden damit über immer mehr. Die Wahlbeteiligung war eine Reaktion auf die Stimmung im Land. Große Koalitionen (SPD/CDU) lähmen systematisch den Parteienwettbewerb. Polarisierungen sind nicht zu erwarten. Somit auch keine echte Mobilisierung. In der Regel verlieren die Juniorpartner in Großen Koalitionen am Wahltag. So auch in Schwerin. Die CDU verlor 5,7 Prozentpunkte, hingegen steigerte sich die SPD um 5,5 Prozentpunkte. Vermutlich bleibt somit alles beim Alten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Euro in Limbo
Germany is (one) key to the future of the Euro. Germany is a country endowed with a Chancellor who is capable and willing to lead. It is, however, also a …
Saying “Yes” to the euro in Germany: from piano to forte!
At any wedding celebration, the audience usually expects a loud and firm “Yes”. In European politics these days, Germany’s partners expect a loud and firm “Yes” to whatever proposal for …
Markets and Merkel: fear and hope
What has the latest round of market turbulence told us about the Euro crisis?
First, that nobody in the Eurozone is safe from contagion.
Second, the politicians are finally realizing that things can get much worse much faster than they ever thought possible.
And finally, that Angela Merkel may yet achieve her goal of closer European integration – with the help of the financial markets.
Chancellor Merkel has long been distrustful of the markets − and the feeling is mutual. Both have blamed the other for an ever-deepening crisis across Europe. More recently, though, both sides might have woken up to the fact that becoming allies would not be that outlandish.
How Geography Explains Economics For Germany and the U.S
Dr. Tim Stuchtey quoted in “How Geography Explains Economics For Germany and the U.S.,” by Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, June 9, 2011.
Transatlantic Trade and Globalization
In this week’s AICGS Podcast, Dr. Jackson Janes talks with Klaus Deutsch (Deutsche Bank Research), Oliver Wieck (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.), and Alexander Privitera (Washington-based Special Correspondent for German news channel N24) about the challenges facing transatlantic trade relations in an increasingly fragile global economic environment.