Neo-Nazi Terror: Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie, ein Versagen der Politik
Die Morde des „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds“ und die völlige Ahnungslosigkeit der Sicherheitsbehörden erschüttern Deutschland. Diese Verbrechen sind weit mehr als ein Akt von Kriminellen mit politischen Motiven. Dass rund 60 Jahre …
Neo-Nazi Terror: An Attack on Democracy, a Failure of Policy
How did a right-wing terrorist group operate in Germany for thirteen years without being detected? In his essay entitled Neo-Nazi Terror: An Attack on Democracy, a Failure of Policy, Dr. Heiko Holste, Visiting Scholar at the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University, looks at the failures of German intelligence in stopping the extremist group known as the “National Socialist Underground” and the government’s underestimation of neo-Nazi groups in Germany.
From Ron Arad to Gilad Shalit: Germany’s Role in the Middle Eastern Prisoner Exchanges
On October 18th, 2011, after five years in captivity, Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was released by Hamas in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. Behind the negotiations between Israel and Hamas stood an unexpected third party: Germany. In his essay From Ron Arad to Gilad Shalit: Germany’s Role in the Middle Eastern Prisoner Exchanges, Dr. Guido Steinberg, Researcher at the Division for Middle East and Africa at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik and a terrorism advisor in the German Federal Chancellor’s Office from 2002 to 2005, examines the history of German mediation in the long line of prisoner swaps in the Middle East.
The Emerging Market Syndrome that is Germany
In her essay entitiled The Emerging Market Syndrome that is Germany, Dr. Waltraud Schelkle, AICGS Non-Resident Fellow and Lecturer in Political Economy at the London School of Economics, argues that Germany is currently suffering from having the economic make-up of an emerging market country. In Dr. Schelkle’s opinion, this is hurting the way that Germany is dealing with solutions to the current economic crisis.
Time for Economic Offense
With high unemployment and low growth in both the U.S. and the EU, the current euro zone crisis has made it abundantly clear that both economies truly depend on one another. According to his essay Time for Economic Offense, originally published by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bruce Stokes, Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the GMF and regular AICGS program participant and contributor, argues that now is the time for leaders from both sides to take the necessary steps towards collective increases in trade and growth.
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Support Our WorkGibt es eine Braune-Armee-Fraktion in Deutschland?
Gibt es in Deutschland im Untergrund operierende rechtsextremistische Terrorstrukturen, gar eine „Braune-Armee-Fraktion? Seit knapp zwei Wochen ist bekannt, dass eine Gruppe Rechtsextremer über dreizehn Jahre hinweg in Deutschland gemordet und …
Is there a “Brown-Army-Faction” in Germany?
In his essay entitled Does a “Braune-Armee-Fraktion” in Germany Exist?, AICGS Non-Resident Fellow Alexander Ritzmann examines whether the “Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund,” or National Socialist Underground (NSD), can be categorized as a terrorist group. Having recently come into the public spotlight following more than a decade of under the radar murders and robberies, the German Federal government, argues Mr. Ritzmann, must be cautious in labeling this newly surfaced group.
Germany: Inactive but Indispensable?
In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes examines the challenges Chancellor Merkel faces at home and in Europe with her style of leadership, while Germany is increasingly becoming the focus of Europe’s euro crisis.
Stand Up and Fight is the Message Philipp Rösler Sent from Frankfurt
At their party convention this past weekend, Germany’s Free Democratic Party (FDP) made one thing clear: they intend to push forward in the face of mounting criticism. In his essay Stand Up and Fight is the Message Philipp Rösler Sent from Frankfurt, Dr. Tim Stuchtey, Managing Director of the Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit (BIGS) and Director of the Business & Economics Program at AICGS, examines what was covered at the convention, as well as the remarks made by FDP Chairman Philipp Rösler.
Seriousness and Wish for Unity
In his essay Seriousness and Wish for Unity, AICGS Trustee Andreas Nick examines the serious tone set by Angela Merkel and other CDU leaders at this week’s party convention. While Merkel’s goals of a stronger Europe and a practical approach to global issues were once again at the forefront, it appears that the CDU’s plan for the 2013 general election has begun to take shape.
Leadership and Democracy
As the political mindset in Europe begins to change – both among the newly appointed Greek and Italian Prime minsters, or among the incumbent Merkel and Sarkozy – the questioning of each leader’s commitment to Europe will only increase. According to his essay Leadership and Democracy, Alexander Privitera, Washington based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24 and frequent AICGS contributor, explains that all European leaders are approaching the point at which they will have to make very unpopular decisions. In particular, Angela Merkel could be tested very soon.
Turkey and Germany – Stable Economies, Stable Ties?
In Turkey and Germany – Stable Economies, Stable Ties?, Humboldt University graduate student and former AICGS intern Ursula Moffitt explains the political and economic path Turkey has taken to become a “model” country in the region. According to Ms. Moffitt, because of the relative stability and success in Turkey in recent years, Germany should look to strengthen the “privileged partnership” it shares with Turkey in the wake of the current euro zone crisis.