Ghosts of the Habsburg Empire: Lessons for the Euro Zone
Writing in East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, Dr. Stephen G. Gross and Dr. S. Chase Gummer draw on this historical case of a collapsing currency union to caution …
Queen Europa
Despite the ongoing electoral campaign and fiscal crisis, Berlin is “weirdly detached” during the summer break. In this commentary, AICGS Non-Resident Scholar Almut Möller discusses this phenomenon and the latest developments’ impact on the election.
Reading the Fed’s Minutes: Mismanaging Expectations?
The publication of the Fed’s minutes from the July Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) meeting triggered a flurry of headlines ranging from “Fed remains committed to tapering [its asset purchases] …
It’s TTIP, Stupid!
By Werner Sonne After the announcement on developing an “Anti-Spy-Agreement”, one question has been swept under the rug. If there was no spying, why sign such an agreement? The NSA …
After Snowden: The Impact of PRISM in Russia and Germany
Temporary asylum for Edward Snowden in Russia is an embarrassment for the administration in Washington, and being snubbed by Vladimir Putin is a slap in the face for President Barack …
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Support Our WorkGermany’s Proliferating Parliament
Germany’s Bundestag contains one of the largest numbers of elected officials in the world—and it is about to get even bigger. Currently housing 620 members, the size of the Bundestag …
A Month to Go: The Lull before the German Elections
With only slightly more than a month left before Germans go to the polls to elect a new Bundestag, the mood across Europe seems to be shifting from decidedly gloomy …
Parteienwettbewerb im Wahljahr 2013
Was ist am Herbst 2013 besonders interessant? Dass wir am 22. September den Bundestag und den Landtag von Hessen wählen und am 15. September den Landtag in Bayern. Bei beiden Terminen sind Änderungen in der Regierung nicht ausgeschlossen. Ein völliger Machtwechsel ist allerdings nur in Hessen im Bereich des
Party Politics in the 2013 Election
What is especially interesting about fall 2013? We are going to elect the German Bundestag and state parliament of Hessen on September 22, and the state parliament of Bavaria on September 15. For both dates, one cannot rule out changes in government, though a complete change of power is
Yellen-Merkel: A Possible Tandem of Powerful Women
Frequent AGI participant and Director, Co-chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institution Forum (OMFIF), David Marsh recently detailed prospects for strong female leadership in the German chancellory and U.S. …
Do the Ends Justify the Means?: Merkel’s Eight-Point Data Privacy Plan
By Alex Racey At her annual summer conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel remained coy on the details surrounding the NSA spy affair. She asserted that the government is taking the necessary …
Germany’s Experience in Countering Islamist Radicalization
In this article, AICGS Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Dorle Hellmuth assesses the effectiveness of recent German local, state, and federal counterradicalization efforts, measures, and initiatives.