Confidence Building in an Era of Distrust: Baby Steps Toward a Stronger Cyber Defense
In the era of distrust that has followed the Snowden revelations, changing administrations, and a transatlantic relationship that is publicly unraveling, “confidence building measures” (CBMs) is a loaded term. In …

Moving Beyond Cyber Wars: A Transatlantic Dialogue
Policy Report 68 In January 2018, as the German government was trying to cobble together a coalition, and the U.S. government found itself in a shut down, ten Americans and …

Second Roundtable Looks at Role of Private Sector and Civil Society in Attribution
Defense and tech experts from the United States and Germany gathered in the conference room of the American-German Institute in Washington, DC, on May 23 to discuss the greatest hurdles …

Third Transatlantic Cyber Dialogue Stresses Value of New Information Sharing Venues
Ten German and ten American policymakers met at the American-German Institute in Washington, DC, on May 24 to continue work on cybersecurity proposals to strengthen the transatlantic relationship. The third …
AGI Cybersecurity Focus
AGI Project
Election Meddlers and Transatlantic Remedies
People whose Facebook profile yields matches for the key words Jesus, Christianity, Bible, Fox News Channel, very conservative, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Pence, Breitbart, and Mike Huckabee were targeted with digital …

AGI and Microsoft launch cybersecurity roundtable on public-private partnerships
On the same day that President Trump and Chancellor Merkel met in Washington to discuss priorities for the transatlantic agenda, the American-German Institute hosted a roundtable at Microsoft Berlin to …

In Second Cybersecurity Dialogue, Accountability and Capabilities Highlighted
“The United States is not afraid to call out countries and hold governments accountable,” U.S. Embassy Berlin’s Charge d’Affairs Kent Logsdon emphasized to the policymakers gathered in the Bavarian Representation …

Cybersecurity Risks Unify Old Partners in the Post-Alliance Era
In the frenzy of finger-pointing this month following the latest cyberattacks affecting Germany’s Foreign Office, one piece of good news remained largely buried. On December 19, 2017, the Germans were …
In a Post-Truth World, Can Cybersecurity Save Democracy?
The Munich Security Conference this year was as much about who was in the main hall at the Bayerischer Hof, as who wasn’t. Lurking in the shadows of empty words …
In a World of Cyber Threats, Isolationism Will Never Win
President Trump has said cybersecurity is a priority for his administration. It is also one of the fastest growing spending priorities for the U.S. government this fiscal year. Across the …
Surveillance in the cyber sphere: In an age of terror, should privacy always be negotiable?
Hours after the Orlando shooting, the world knew where Omar Mateen had taken his cell phone in the days and months before the massacre. To Disney World with his son, …