Admin Admin’s Archive


Scholz’s Next Big Challenge: Reforming the EU’s Debt Rules

The Ukraine crisis has caught the new German government largely by surprise and is providing an early test for the new coalition and its leader, Chancellor Olaf Scholz. His response …

German Chancellor’s Visit Tests Biden’s Bet on Berlin and Scholz’s Leadership Aspirations

Olaf Scholz’s first visit to the U.S. as German Chancellor February 7 will be a test for the German leader and for his U.S. host, President Joe Biden. At stake …

Will France Lead the EU to More “Autonomy”?

To mark the start of France’s six-month presidency of the European Union, President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen honored two French citizens at a January …

EU Data Governance Act Will Set New Standards for Public Data Access

Government institutions hold a wealth of information. Wouldn’t it be beneficial if everyone had fair access to this trove—for instance, for research to develop new vaccines or to operate driverless …

Germany’s China Policy Moves Past Merkel

As Germany’s Merkel era ended, her brand of engagement-driven China policy seems also to have been consigned to history. The writing was already on the wall after the China-EU Comprehensive …

Germany Emerges from Economic Realpolitik

The 178-page coalition agreement announced last week by Germany’s next government comprised of the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP) and called “Alliance for Freedom, Justice, and Sustainability” …

One Year after U.S. Elections: What Is the Status of the Transatlantic Trade Relationship?

Honeymoon Is Over, But Both Sides Committed to Make It Work One year ago, all of us in Europe were eagerly waiting for the results of the U.S. elections. The …

The Trade-Climate Nexus and the Future of the Global Trading System

Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, both in November 2021, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish authored a report for the Konrad …

Building Transatlantic Trust for AI Innovation and Regulation

Artificial intelligence is among the most promising and crucial emerging technologies that will bring about striking changes to economic productivity, social interactions, and national security. Its significance is further accentuated …

Peter Rashish Interviewed on Transatlantic Relations by German Engineering Association VDMA

In an interview with the VDMA, Germany’s mechanical engineering association, Geoeconomics Director Peter Rashish discusses the Biden administration’s approach to transatlantic economic relations, including the role of values in U.S. …

2021 German Bundestag Election: Three Messages

The results of the German Bundestag Election leave open several questions. A total of six parties are entering the Bundestag. How can a governing coalition be formed in this fragmented …

Trust as the Foundation of the Transatlantic Partnership in the Digital World

Ultra-fast 5G broadband cellular connectivity will advance a host of the technologies of the future, including Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, drones, and telemedicine, to name just a few. …