The European Central Bank’s Inflation Dilemma
Major central banks have finally accepted that inflationary pressures are here to stay. Both the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank now admit that price increases are not a …

Reading Between the Lines of U.S. China Policy
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave a speech to George Washington University on May 26 with the admirably straightforward title of “The Administration’s Approach to the People’s Republic of …

A New Fiscal Policy Regime? Germany’s Fiscal Policy in the Wake of the Pandemic
Many observers were surprised by Germany’s fiscal policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only did the parliament temporarily suspend the constitutional debt brake (Schuldenbremse), but also the government orchestrated …

The EU’s Old School Approach to Russian Oil
Over the last two years, the European Union has innovated in a remarkable fashion to strengthen both its internal and external roles as an economic actor. As the EU struggles …

Recovering More Than Profits
According to the usual statistics, the United States is leading the pack out of the pandemic. Already by the end of 2021, GDP was 5 percent higher than at the …
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The Potential Role of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in a Rapidly Changing Global Economic Order
In an important speech on April 13, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that “…the war between Russia and Ukraine has redrawn the contours of the world economic outlook.” Amid …

The West Should Stay Focused on Geoeconomic Rivalry with China
As China leveraged its state capitalist model to become a global superpower, it increasingly challenged the market-oriented basis of the liberal economic order founded by the United States and its …

Labor and Social Welfare Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Germany and the United States Compared The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread standstill of substantial parts of the economy have had an unprecedented impact on businesses and …

Unforeseen Challenge for Germany’s G7 Presidency: Time for a Comprehensive Perspective
The Problem of Thinking in Silos In January 2022, the German government published its policy priorities for the G7-Presidency of this year. They are sensible and well placed. In fact, …

Why Some German Companies Are Struggling with the Ukraine Sanctions
Until Russia’s military invasion in Ukraine, many German companies used to have close ties with Russian companies and institutions. Some of them stem from the time of the USSR when …

Rules or Tools?
The World Trade Organization, the hundreds of bilateral and regional trade agreements, and the more informal norms, principles, and frameworks that together form the global trading system are consistently referred …

Olaf Scholz Is No Neville Chamberlain
Germany Will Not Appease Putin Within weeks of succeeding Angela Merkel in early December 2021, new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is confronting one of the most serious crises of the …