Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman Chairs Panel on “2015 and Its Horrors”
On May 13, 2015, Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman, Harry & Helen Gray Senior Fellow and Director of the Society, Culture & Politics Program at AGI, chaired a panel on the Armenian genocide …
Mandatory Data Retention Soon More Extensive in Germany than Under the USA Freedom Act
When the news broke a few days ago that the U.S. Senate had finally approved the USA Freedom Act, German commenters received it with satisfaction. However, there are various differences …

From the AGI Bookshelf: After Snowden: Privacy, Secrecy and Security in the Information Age
Amid the continuing saga of the NSA affair—spanning from the German debate about privacy and security to the USA Freedom Act—there is now another set of perspectives on the impact …
New Policy Priorities for the Transatlantic Partnership
More than twenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, the United States and Germany remain close political and economic allies. However, personal ties between the two allies have …
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Support Our WorkCan We Handle the Truth?
Amid the tensions between Berlin and Washington generated by the NSA affair, one might be tempted to remind both sides of the Atlantic that (apologies to Jack Nicholson’s character in …
The Myth of a Mighty Germany
This June, the G-7 will meet in an opulent castle near Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. It was initially built, according to the host’s website, for an “egocentric zealot” who …
Featuring AGI Trustee: John Hayes
AGI is pleased to welcome John A. Hayes to our Board of Trustees. Mr. Hayes has been the Chief Executive Officer of Ball Corporation since January 26, 2011, and previously …
Gale A. Mattox receives ISA award
AGI is pleased to announce that Professor Gale A. Mattox, Director of the Foreign and Domestic Policy Program at AGI and Professor of Political Science at the U.S. Naval Academy, recently …
Macht in der Mitte: Die Neuen Aufgaben Deutschlands in Europa
In light of key challenges that lie ahead for the European Union (EU) as a political and economic entity, Germany’s role as a central power has become increasingly crucial for the cohesion of the EU. In …
Transatlantic Competition Over Institutional Design
In 1996, Martha Finnemore noted in National Interests in International Society that no matter how technical international organizations might seem, they “are never neutral forms.” In his new article, Alexander …
The BND Scandal
As reports emerge about the cooperation between Germany’s intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), and the U.S.’ National Security Agency (NSA), the German government is coming under increasing pressure from the …