Ufuk Topkara, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Ufuk Topkara as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018. He has been active in promoting inter-religious dialogue since 2005 as an expert on …
Susanne Thelen, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Susanne Thelen as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Political Science at the …

Statement of a Polarized Society: The Bavarian Election Results
The results of the October 14, 2018, Bavarian elections mark a watershed in German politics. So far, the Free State has been the last bastion of the conservative Christian Democrats …

The 2018 Bavarian Election: Earthquake or Tremor?
Bavaria looms large in Germany. With 16 percent of the country’s population (13 million inhabitants), it is the second-largest state by population, and the largest by geographic area. Its economy …
Trump’s ‘rogue killers’ comment is latest echo of suspect foreign talking points
“The surprising thing for most American observers is the president’s readiness to accept what appear to be very flimsy excuses for behavior that the United States generally has found reprehensible …
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Jeff Rathke on Maybrit Illner Special: Methode Trump – Gefahr für Europas Demokratie?
AICGS President Jeff Rathke appeared on the Maybrit Illner Special “Methode Trump – Gefahr für Europas Demokratie?” on October 11, 2018.
AGI Senior Fellow Sarah Lohmann Speaks on Big Data and Cybersecurity in Ottawa
Washington, DC, Oct. 11, 2018 – AGI Senior Fellow and Manager of AGI’s Cybersecurity Programs Sarah Lohmann spoke on the opportunities for innovation provided by big data and cybersecurity at …

EU Elections: From “Spitzenkandidat” to Coalition Candidate?
The European Union is under threat. From the outside, it is confronted by a revisionist Russia and a U.S. president seemingly set on demolishing the rules-based international system. Even more …

Frank Bohn, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Frank Bohn as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in October-November 2018. Frank Bohn, Radboud University Nijmegen, previously worked at …

Germany’s Confrontation with Its Colonial History: Are There Lessons from Grappling with the Nazi Past?
The anti-immigrant riots in Chemnitz at the end of August 2018 with their expressions of hate, intolerance, and xenophobia, including Nazi salutes, have led observers to question the depth of …

The First Genocide of the Twentieth Century
The recent handover of the remains of 27 individuals from Namibia that took place at the French Friedrichstadt Church in Berlin marked an important milestone in the process of questioning …
AGI Launches Project on Integration in Germany as part of the “Year of German-American Friendship”
Washington, DC, October 3, 2018 – The American-German Institute (AGI) at Johns Hopkins University announced today that it has received a grant from the German Federal Foreign Office to support …