NATO Then, Now, and In The Future
For nearly 70 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has provided a system of collective defense for North American and European Nations. Known as NATO, the alliance has grown from …

Merkel and Macron Call for Joint Cybersecurity Effort
AGI signs multi-stakeholder accord The American-German Institute joined dozens of other civil society organizations and leading U.S. tech companies Monday as an early supporter of the Paris Call for Trust …

Transatlantic Relations and the Digital Economy Post-USMCA
The TPP is dead, long live the USMCA. Despite the United States withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the digital trade chapter of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) …

Trying to Make Sense of the U.S.’ Trade Policy
Traditional arguments that are commonly put forward to justify the implementation of import tariffs—high domestic unemployment, the protection of an infant industry, or external effects, for example on the environment—may …
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Mothers: Remembering Three Women on the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
Ida was terrified. She figured she would never see either her husband or brother ever again. For several days she fretted, not knowing what to do. While desperately trying to …

Building a European Germany: Next Steps?
In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall—and subsequent German unity—was a dream come true for Germans. Over the next few years the dream of a larger Europe, whole and …

On Capitol Hill, Transatlantic Trade Returns to Its Roots
Once, when I was trying to explain to a German acquaintance the personalities and geography of U.S. trade politics, I casually mentioned that despite skepticism toward trade among many Democrats, …

A Strained, Yet Indispensable Partnership: German-American Relations in the Age of Donald J. Trump
For the past seventy years, the German-American and the European-American partnership has rested on a shared understanding of common goals: The transatlantic partners believed that the promotion of democracy, rule …
A New Approach to Europe?
Jeff Rathke Speaks at Helsinki Commission Briefing November 1, 2018 European countries and institutions like NATO and the European Union are our partners of first resort. And it is clear …