Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation
German-American Minority Youth Exchange
Immigration and integration challenges are at the forefront of policy discussions in the U.S. and Germany. How can our societies adapt to newcomers and what services will we need to provide? Are we doing enough to help immigrants integrate so that they can become successful members of society? These and other questions were addressed during this week-long program in Washington, DC.
The German-American youth exchange program on the theme “Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation” is an innovative program which establishes new connections between communities that have grown principally from an immigration background and addresses common challenges of immigration and integration, such as discrimination, employment, political and societal leadership, education, and international engagement. Project participants include a core group of young leaders for engagement in intensive discussions, and a broader community of experts and advocates for interaction focused on issues of immigration, integration, and cross-cultural understanding.
The Washington, DC, portion of the program is followed by the Berlin program in the spring. Participants at the seminar will engage in small groups and interact with leading experts from umbrella organizations dealing with immigration and integration, government, research institutions, and political foundations. They also have the opportunity to visit other institutions, including cultural/historical sites, offices of elected representatives, and nonprofit associations that focus on issues of the underrepresented.