Global Transitional Justice
Current Strategies, Trends and Counter-Trends across the Atlantic June 4, 2019, 12:00 – 1:30 pm Seeking justice for past atrocities has become a standard practice for countries after conflict or …

Finance, Trade, and Brexit
The European and German Agenda After the EU Elections One month ahead of the European Parliament elections, AGI and the Hanns Seidel Foundation hosted MdB Alexander Radwan for a roundtable …

China Backlash
Prospects for a Transatlantic Agenda May 9, 2019, 12:00 pm A backlash is building in the United States and Europe against China’s state-driven economic policies, its human rights record, and …

International Energy Policy at a Crossroads?
The Transatlantic Partners and the Future of Energy May 7, 2019, 12:00 pm Since the inauguration of Donald Trump, the United States and Germany have embarked on pathways to quite …

The United States, Germany, Canada, and Mexico in the Global Economy The new “U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement” (USMCA) signed on October 1 presents a number of important indications about the future direction of …
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Global Value Chains, Local Economic Values
The Automobile Industry’s Role in Trade and Investment The Representative of German Industry and Trade (RGIT) and the American-German Institute (AGI) hosted a timely discussion about the automotive industry’s role …

2019 Global Leadership Award Dinner
The American-German Institute (AGI) cordially invites you to attend and support the 25th annual Global Leadership Award Dinner. Honoree / Sponsors / Co-Chairs / Award Presenter / Performance / FAQ / About GLAD Honoring Steve Angel …

Immigration and Political Participation
Political Engagement as a Mechanism of Integration Debates about immigration and the integration of immigrants have dominated political discourse in the United States and Germany for decades. As the subject …

The Challenge of Reconciliation Studies in East Asia
Nationalism and Transitional Justice after Decolonization Reconciliation in East Asia is characterized by vicissitudes, making the study and analysis of the process challenging and complex. This seminar will explore the …

Muslim Women in Germany and the United States
Common and Complex Challenges Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of practitioners and experts from Germany and the United States, this workshop focuses on the economic situation of Muslim women, the …

Global Responsibility
How Do Germany and the United States Engage with One Another to Address International Challenges? The AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” engages …

Strategies for the European Union in the Third Age of Globalization
In the inaugural event of the Allianz Geoeconomics Speaker Series, Dr. Michael Huether will address the challenges to the current, slowing wave of globalization begun after the fall of the Berlin Wall …