Volker Rein, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Volker Rein as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2018. Dr. Rein is an experienced social scientist specialized on developments in education and …
Protectionism Is the Wrong Medicine
The principles of a liberal economic and social order have assured increasing wealth and living standards in the last decades and globalization has been one of the main driving engines …
Working toward Being an Inclusive, Welcoming Home for Immigrants and Their Families
I recently visited Charlotte, North Carolina with a small group convened by the American-German Institute (AGI). The purpose of the trip was to examine how Charlotte, a city with a …
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Support Our WorkIntegrating Refugees into the Workforce: A Shared Migration Challenge of the United States and Germany
When it comes to migrants and refugees, the policy differences between the U.S. and Germany are vast these days. Trump and Merkel seem polar opposites: One trying to halve refugee …
GE CEO: Germany points the way for a U.S. manufacturing revival
In an April 2 interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s “Global Public Square,” GE CEO Jeff Immelt made the case for looking to Germany for clues to reviving manufacturing in hard-hit …
Integrating Young Minorities into the Workforce: Lessons from Charlotte, NC
Dr. Ryan Monroe is Chief Academic Officer at Carlos Rosario School in Washington, DC. He was a participant in AGI’s site visits in Charlotte, NC, as part of the Institute’s …
What the United States Can Learn from Germany: Workforce Training and Public Investment
Political tensions between Germany and the U.S. promptly resurfaced not long after the new administration took possession of the White House. Many will argue at length about who is right …
From the AGI Bookshelf: Mittelstand ist eine Haltung
There are some words in German that are hard to translate: Gemütlich, fahrvernügnen, or Gesamtkonzept Mittelstand is another example. Technically it means small and middle-sized firms. But that is an elastic …
Scouting the Land for Opportunities: Issues and Challenges in Refugee Workforce Integration in Germany and the United States
March 13 saw strong voter support in three German state elections for the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party. Fueled by continuing waves of incoming refugees, anxiety is building in …