Trade & Investment


AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish Joins T20 for Presentation of Communiqué at Summit in Argentina

Washington, DC, September 25, 2018 – AGI Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish joined other members of the Think 20 to present its Communiqué to President …

U.S., EU Negotiators Meet in Bid to Ease Trans-Atlantic Trade Tensions

“While this refound enthusiasm for strengthening trans-Atlantic economic ties holds promise, both the United States and the European Union have learned from experience that progress is not guaranteed,” Senior Fellow …

The West’s Greatest Challenge Lies in Washington, Not Moscow

It has been a month now since Donald Trump’s indulgence in Helsinki of Vladimir Putin’s “extremely strong” denial of Russian involvement in hacking the 2016 U.S. election. With this move, …

EU Blocking Statute and U.S. Sanctions: Difficult Choices for German Companies

The first batch of re-imposed U.S. sanctions on Iran is in effect. As a countermeasure, the EU has updated its already existing Blocking Statute with measures that entered into force …

The Political Economy of Trade Balances: Too Simple to Understand!

The issue of bilateral trade balances between the United States (U.S.) and its trading partners (not enemies!) has dominated the discussion of transatlantic trade relations in the past 18 months. …

A New Era of Transatlantic Cooperation in Space? How the New Space Economy Is Shaping the State of Affairs and What Could Be Done

The space sector is undergoing profound changes. When people thought about space exploration just a decade ago, they thought about large government or international agencies such as the National Aeronautics …

Beijing Knows What It Is Doing…but Do We Know What We Are Doing?

Beijing’s tariff retaliation on Wednesday added more fuel to an already flaring trade war that threatens to put the global economy in jeopardy. Despite breathing a sigh of tentative relief …

EU breathes sign of relief over transatlantic trade row

Europe’s breathing a sigh of relief after Donald Trump and the European Commission President agreed to tackle their transatlantic trade row. Featuring Peter Rashish via Euronews on July 26, 2018.

Protectionism Is the Wrong Medicine

The principles of a liberal economic and social order have assured increasing wealth and living standards in the last decades and globalization has been one of the main driving engines …

For Now, the White House Sees Trade with the EU as Win-Win

The transatlantic trade truce announced by President Trump and EU Commission President Juncker after their meeting in the White House yesterday is significant for two reasons. First, the U.S. president …

President Trump’s trade war, launched without a strategy to win it, is backfiring

President Donald Trump has told us that “trade wars are good, and easy to win.” He seems to have thought that just threatening to impose tariffs would bring other countries to their …

Galina Kolev, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Galina Kolev as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in July 2018. Galina Kolev is senior economist and head of …