A Man of Dual-Morals, President Barack Obama
In his recent front-page article in German in der Tagesspiegel, frequent AGI participant, Prof. Dr. Christian Hacke, evaluates President Barack Obama’s hawkish leadership in American security policy, posture, and relationship …
A Summer of Anxious Anticipation in the Euro Zone
Frequent contributor and participant at AGI, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard recently detailed his analysis of summer developments in the euro zone crisis. Connecting developments as diverse as German politicians’ pre- and …
Has Angela Merkel “Paralyzed German Politics”?
In light of the upcoming federal elections, recent articles have characterized German chancellor Angela Merkel’s leadership as paralyzing to German politics. Discussions on her strategy of “asymmetric demobilization” have resurfaced …
Peace, Justice, and Nuclear Disarmament: President Obama in Berlin
The highlight of his trip to Berlin, President Obama addressed a crowd of 6,000 yesterday in front of the Brandenburg Gate following private meetings with German Federal President Joachim Gauck …
President Obama to Visit Berlin
Fifty years after President John F. Kennedy’s historic visit to Berlin that symbolized a united German-American pursuit of freedom, President Barack Obama will deliver a keynote speech in front of …
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Support Our WorkAGI President Jack Janes in The Economist
With elections in Lower Saxony approaching on January 20th, Germany’s political parties will be looking towards the results as a gauge for what could be expected when all Germans take …
Merkel’s Political Strategy
In this recent commentary originally published by Süddeutsche Zeitung, Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte compares the election strategies of President Obama as he sought a second term and Chancellor Merkel as …
Could Obama Get Tougher on Europe?
This recent analysis from David Marsh, Co-Chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) and frequent AGI participant, takes a look at what we might expect for relations between …
Europe and the U.S.: Withering Together?
With the presidential election come and gone the time has come to speculate about its potential impact on the transatlantic relationship. Today, the Brookings Institute hosted an interesting panel discussion …
What America’s Election Means for Europe
This text by AGI President Jack Janes originally appeared as part of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s ongoing series entitled “Strategic Europe.” The elections on November 6 will not fundamentally …