Politics & Elections


U.S. Immigration Policies Meet Criticism

In the United States, state-level immigration reform is seeing progress.  Undocumented immigrants in New York state will now be able to apply for teacher certification and professional licenses from the …

Germany in a European Union Without Britain

New information about the UK’s referendum on whether to stay in the EU is making its way to headlines in the UK, Europe, and the U.S., and with it comes …

Some Contentious Issues for 2016

Ukraine and EU Sanctions against Russia The European consensus for maintaining Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia is beginning to unravel.  In addition to the economic costs of sanctions to European industry …

Changing Parameters of Interdependence: The Triangle of German-Chinese-U.S. Relations

The twenty-first century is a century that is and will be increasingly marked by changing patterns of interdependence, influence, and interests among states, regions, and non-state actors. The structures of …

China: A New Partner for Europe in the Middle East

For those who wished for an improvement in the Middle East, the New Year certainly started with plenty of disappointments. Drastic deterioration of Saudi-Iranian relations, calamitous attacks in Afghanistan and …

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Coping with Crises: Refugees, Russia, and Responsibilities

The mass assaults against women that occurred in Cologne and elsewhere on New Year’s Eve have reverberated all over Germany and indeed well beyond. The fact that most of the …

Holding the Center Together: The Challenges of 2016 and Beyond

2015 did not end well for President Obama. 2016 did not begin well for Chancellor Merkel. But they will both face even more serious challenges in the new year. For …

Eine deutsche Metamorphose: Vom unsicheren Kantonisten zur europäischen Führungsmacht

Deutschland ist zum Vorreiter in Europa geworden: zu einer Führungsmacht, die ihre Legitimität aus dem Engagement für ein zivilisiertes Miteinander zieht. Daraus erklärt sich auch die bisherige Gefolgschaft anderer europäischer …

A Long View of Transatlantic Crises: Increasing closeness, increasing friction

In 1969, when I was elected national chairman of the Young Socialists (Jungsozialisten – Jusos), the SPD youth organization, the future US ambassador to Germany John Kornblum was a young …

Joschka Fischer on German Leadership, the Refugee Crisis, and Chancellor Merkel

From the Jacques Delors Institute, former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer speaks on the topics that are dominating the discussion in Europe: German leadership, the ongoing migrant crisis, and the …

Guenter Schabowski, East German who announced Berlin Wall opening, dies

Guenter Schabowski, a senior East German official whose cryptic announcement that the communist country was opening its fortified border precipitated the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, died Nov. …

Die Welt Ist Aus Den Fugen

In a recently published interview, John Kornblum, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and an AGI Trustee, shares his views on the challenges Europe faces in a complex and continuously changing …