Politics & Elections


Transatlantic Traffic Jams

When the hundreds of government officials and international organization leaders make their way to Washington for the Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group, an explosion of …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Seven Secrets of Germany: Economic Resilience in an Era of Global Turbulence

A simple question runs through this book—why is Germany different? The authors are deciphering the secrets to answer that question and, in their analysis, offer explanations for Germany’s ability to …

Chief Facilitator: The Legacy of Hans-Dietrich Genscher

The passing of Hans-Dietrich Genscher marks another milestone in the unique history of the leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany. His life and career embody the path of the …

Remembering Lothar Späth: Former AGI Trustee, Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, and Successful Corporate Leader

AGI was honored to have Lothar Späth as a member of its Board of Trustees from 1997 until 2009. Dr. Späth died on March 18, 2016. I had the honor …

A Party System in Flux

Coalition governments in Germany have a long tradition, though more so at the federal level (where there have always been coalitions) than at the state level. These two or more party coalitions are as a rule not desired, but are generally forced by the election results or determined by the strength of the political groups after the election.

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Germans Go To The Polls

While many Americans were focused on the primaries underway in the U.S., on March 13, Germans in three states went to the polls to elect their state governments.  The first …

State Elections as a Celebration of Democracy

Refugees decided the weekend’s state elections. The refugee politics were the 2016 power issue in competition between parties. All three incumbents were confirmed as minister-president in Rheinland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, and Saxony-Anhalt, because they have showcased superior competence in the face of epochal challenges.

Super Sunday Was Not Black Sunday

In spite of the wide-spread, largely foreign, media reaction to the three state elections, the sky did not fall on March 13. Chancellor Merkel’s unprecedented decision to welcome over one …

Landtagswahlen als Feste der Demokratie

Englische Version Flüchtlinge haben die Landtagswahlen vom Wochenende entschieden. Die Flüchtlingspolitik markiert 2016 die Machtfrage im Parteienwettbewerb. Alle drei Amtsinhaber wurden in Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen-Anhalt als Ministerpräsidenten bestätigt, weil sie …

Ein Parteiensystem im Umbruch

Koalitionsregierungen haben in Deutschland eine langeTradition, mehr noch auf der Bundesebene (dort gab es bisher keine andere Form der Regierung) als auf der Landesebene. Diese Zwei-oder Mehrfachkoalitionen sind in der Regel keine Wunschkoalitionen, sondern durch das Wahlergebnis erzwungen beziehungsweise durch die Stärke der Fraktionen nach der Wahl bestimmt.

Looking for Leadership, German Voters Send a Signal

Chancellor Merkel may not be very happy with the results of Sunday’s state elections in Germany, but she is not any worse off than she was on Saturday.  That is …

Migrant Crisis Leading to Rise of Far-Right Politicians

In advance of this Sunday’s state-level elections in three German states, The New York Times analyzes how the migrant crisis is building support for far-right leader Frauke Petry and her Alternative …