German Foreign Policy


Germany’s Role in Global Health

The focus for German Global Health activities presently is threefold: as a strong supporter of multilateral responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in a wide range of UN and other political …

Jeff Rathke on G7 in Washington Post

AGI President Jeff Rathke discusses Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision not to attend the G7 – and the later fallout – with The Washington Post’s Anne Gearan. He notes, “Merkel’s decision …

Lesson from the Corona Crisis: The Neighbors Have Gone Mad

The article is written in the author’s personal capacity and does not necessarily reflect the views the German government. Spending time alone at home gives you time to think. Time …

Must Germany Take on More Global Political Responsibility in the Corona Crisis?

History shows that it is always outstanding personalities who shape events. For better or worse, they influence the dynamics and direction of events. This is also true now in view …

Yearning for Familiar Wine In Well-Known Bottles

Parsing the leitmotif of this year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC)—Westlessness—is worth the effort as it does not merely equal semantic pondering. The term invented by the organizers of the MSC …

The September 1952 Reparations Agreement between West Germany and Israel: The Beginning of a Remarkable Friendship

The thorny issue of reparations for war-time crimes against humanity, material losses, despoliation, and human rights abuses has dominated the political sphere in the last several months. On the international …

Embarking on a New Path of Partnership: Thirty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall

On Saturday, we mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  It was one of the most momentous political developments in a generation—the climax of the peaceful …

Fifty Years since Ostpolitik. How Willy Brandt’s Diplomacy Transformed Europe

It is fifty years since the start of Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik. Brandt was a peculiar figure in contemporary history. Brandt’s dropping to his knees in front of the Warsaw Ghetto …

Jack Janes on C-Span’s Washington Today

On September 23, Dr. Jackson Janes spoke with C-Span’s Steve Scully on the Washington Today program. He discussed Germany, the UN, and the global perspective (23:40). Listen to interview

Germany: Hegemon or Free Rider?

Germany has been the most pro-European of all the big players within the EU.  Europe’s largest country in terms of population and economic weight, Germany has always been reluctant to …

Russia and Germany in Crimea: The Irony of History

History sometimes likes to play games of irony, counting on our short memory. One such irony is revealed in the context of Russia’s annexation of Crimea. In March 2014 Russian …

Merkel and Hollande Address European Parliament

In recent years, as Europe has confronted crisis after crisis, we have seen the importance of German leadership, and of integrating that leadership into a community of nations working toward …