German-American Leadership


Work Still Remains

At a recent luncheon event in Washington DC, I was reminded of how fragile the western economy is. A president of one of the 12 U.S. Federal Reserve Banks warned …

The Week in Europe

The last week of August has opened with the usual salvo of news about the debt crisis in Europe. Of course, American public opinion will turn its attention towards the …

Historical Dimensions of the Euro Crisis

Jonathan Zatlin, winner of last year’s DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German Studies in the field of Economics at AGI’s annual Global Leadership Award Dinner, recently co-wrote an article …

Spain, Italy, Germany Come to Deal after Euro Summit

Signaling a new direction in Europe’s efforts to stem the sovereign debt crisis, Germany, Spain, Italy, and other euro zone member states reached a deal to recapitalize Spanish banks with …

What Does She Want?

I was speaking with a German friend at a European think tank a few days ago. He was swamped with press inquiries. “Journalists only want to know one thing,” he …

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More Europe

Angela Merkel wants more Europe.  Despite the widespread skepticism among Germans about many of their European partners and their ability to measure up to German standards of fiscal responsibility, the …

Redemption Fund or Eurobonds?

Judging from what the media have made of the latest gathering of European leaders in Brussels, it came close to a disaster. No decision about Eurobonds or growth was taken. …

Cameron Phones the Mainland

He has done it again. British Prime Minister David Cameron has publicly voiced his deep concerns about the euro zone. London now openly fears a breakup of the common currency …

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose

The initial German media reaction to Francois Hollande’s election in France has been a mixture of caution, concern and criticism. Hollande’s first trip as President to Berlin next week is …

Elections in Schleswig-Holstein

Germany’s next regional election in Schleswig Holstein on May 6 is like the weather on the northern German coasts: quick to change and unpredictable. There are multiple political equations possible …