Maria Skora, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Maria Skora as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February 2019. Maria Skora is Senior Project Manager at Das …

Transatlantic Responses to a Global China
For seventeen years since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has shaped its industrial policy to benefit from the international free trade regime, sustaining extraordinary economic …

Industry and Government Leaders Call for New Election Standards to Protect Democracy
Meeting for a third German-American Cybersecurity Roundtable in Brussels on November 16, industry leaders joined government officials in calling for a more coordinated effort to secure election infrastructure and to …

Transatlantic Relations and the Digital Economy Post-USMCA
The TPP is dead, long live the USMCA. Despite the United States withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the digital trade chapter of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) …
AGI Senior Fellow Sarah Lohmann Speaks on Big Data and Cybersecurity in Ottawa
Washington, DC, Oct. 11, 2018 – AGI Senior Fellow and Manager of AGI’s Cybersecurity Programs Sarah Lohmann spoke on the opportunities for innovation provided by big data and cybersecurity at …
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A Democratic Response to Digital Disinformation: The Role of Civil Society
Numerous factors complicate efforts to combat digital disinformation, not the least of which is the near impossibility of establishing a universal set of standards that could define what is and …

Digital Propaganda and Cyber Threats: The Role of Politics and the State
Politics and the state are facing new challenges posed by digital propaganda and cyber threats since the obvious aim of those digital propaganda campaigns and cyberattacks is to undermine democracy, …

The Parliamentary View: Protecting Our Societies from Propaganda and Disinformation
Understanding Disinformation and Digital Propaganda Today’s interconnected societies have largely benefited from the Internet. The world-wide web enables unlimited information sharing, communication, and transactions. Some argue that data has replaced …

The War with Words – Digital Propaganda as a Multilateral, Multi-Perspective, and Multi-Stakeholder Challenge
Maxwell Aitken, the first Baron of Beaverbrook (1879-1964), was a successful Canadian-British businessman, a newspaper editor, and, even in younger years, an influential grey eminence in British politics. Given his …

Google 2.0 in China? A Look at the Global Competition for Tech Dominance
Hundreds of Google employees recently signed a letter over ethical concerns about the company’s transparency on a secret project intended for the Chinese market. Known internally as Dragonfly, the project …

War in the Cybersphere – The Polyvariant Threat Needs International Cooperation!
We live in highly complex times, in which the threats to our countries are more diffuse than ever before. Power blocs have given way to new, asymmetrical power relations of …