Defense Policy


A Nuclear Germany Strengthens the Security of the West

The U.S. president’s semi-authoritarian attitude and his willingness to make friends with the enemies of democracy has exacerbated doubts about whether the West is at risk of breaking up. President …

How Germany became Donald Trump’s European punchbag

“Germany and its leadership are far from blameless for this state of affairs,” Senior Fellow Stephen F. Szabo tells the Financial Times in this article from August 2, 2018.

Should Germany Go Nuclear?

Should Germany go the route of France and the UK and develop its own independent nuclear weapons capability? Something which once seemed unthinkable is now back in the political discussion …

The Trump War on Germany

After the most recent visit to Washington by Chancellor Merkel in April, a German diplomat came away from the brief working meeting with the president with the clear conclusion that …

Understanding the U.S. from the American-German Situation Room

In early 2018, we spent four weeks as fellows of the American-German Situation Room (AGSR) in Washington, DC and New York City. The objective of our visit to the AGSR …

Cyber Defense Working Group Outcomes

Information-sharing—for example on attribution for a cyber intrusion, potential cyber threats, or indicators of compromise—can happen between Germany and the United States best if it stays on the operational and …

The Possible Merits of Trump’s Unpredictability

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump left no doubt about how he wanted to approach foreign and security policy as U.S. president: “We must as a nation become more unpredictable.” …

Sascha Lohmann, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Sascha Lohmann as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in May 2018. Mr. Lohmann is a Fritz Thyssen Fellow at …

Trump: No Iran Nukes Even if Agreement Folds

Standing alongside Germany’s chancellor, U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized on Friday that Iran would not be permitted to build a nuclear arsenal, even if a deal intended to prevent that …

Discussing Transatlantic Partnership at the American-German Situation Room

As a fellow in the American-German Situation Room, I sought to learn as much as possible about the approach and direction of the Trump administration. In discussions with various experts, …

The 2003 Iraq War as a Turning Point in German–American Relations: Political Leadership and Alliance Cohesion

The article explores and explains Germany’s pre-emptive ‘No’ to the war in Iraq and argues that the ‘No’ was not a structural break in the relationship with the US, although …

Cornelius Vogt, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Cornelius Vogt as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in April and May 2018. Cornelius Vogt works as a project …