To Err on German Unity…
Looking back after twenty-five years to those extraordinary events leading to German unification and the establishment of democratic regimes in Eastern Europe, I am often reminded of the American icon …
Rising Tensions in East Asia?
This speech was delivered as the keynote address at the conference of the same name: “Rising Tensions in East Asia? A Transatlantic Perspective.” For the presentations, photographs, and full summaries …
Eine neue Phase der Russland- und Ostpolitik hat begonnen
Langfristiges Ziel sollte nach wie vor eine gesamteuropäische Friedensordnung unter Einschluss Russlands bleiben. Allerdings haben sich mit den autoritären Entwicklungen in der russischen Innenpolitik, der Abwendung der russischen Führung von …
A New Phase of Russia and Ostpolitik Has Begun
This article is a translation of the original version in German. To read the German version of this article, click here. A pan-European peace order including Russia should still remain …
From Kobane to Celle
The serene town of Celle is home to 70,000 people in the state of Lower Saxony, more than 3,000 of which are Kurdish Yazidis. This town is mostly known for …
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Support Our WorkEurasian Heartland or Atlantic Civilization: The Ukrainian War of Cultures
The Road to the Present Why was the West surprised about the escalation in Ukraine? What went wrong on our side? And what conclusions do we need to draw from …

German Military Aid to the Kurdish Peshmerga
The German government’s decision to provide arms and military equipment to aid the Kurdish Regional Government in its fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant provides further …
Germany’s Future Iraq Involvement
Since U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to bomb Sunni extremists in Iraq, German public opinion has debated whether to get involved and if so, why. In its initial reaction to …
The Future Europe
In May 1989, U.S. President George H.W. Bush gave a speech in Mainz, West Germany, inviting—or challenging—Germany to be a “partner in leadership” with the United States. Many Germans greeted …
Maximalist, Stephen Sestanovich
Amid all the heated debates about the role of the United States in the current global morass of crises, the battle lines in America might fall between those who call …
Beyond Sanctions
This essay, by AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Ulrich Speck, appeared originally on Judy Dempsy’s Strategic Europe, a blog from the Carnegie Institute for International Peace. Western sanctions against Russia appear …

Beyond Sanctions: The Ukraine Crisis as Demonstration of Power and Purpose
This week in Germany was not like last week. This week, both the popular mood as well as the political messages sent signals that Germans have had enough from Vladimir …