Defense Policy


Uncertainty Surrounds the Putin-Trump Relationship

Few issues stir more concerns—and confusion—about where the Trump administration is heading than relations with Russia. Several Cabinet secretaries, during their confirmation hearings and subsequent statements, voiced strong support for …

Expectations for the Munich Security Conference

The Munich Security Conference convenes at a time of the great unraveling of the world order.   The world is less stable and more uncertain than it has been for years. …

Looking to Germany: What Berlin Can and Can’t Do for the Liberal Order

With U.S. President Donald Trump poised to pull the United States back from global leadership and with the United Kingdom mired in a messy withdrawal from the European Union, Germany …

At War with Radical Islam: A Recipe for the Wrong Kind of Leadership in the Twenty-First Century

In the summer of 2014, Stephen Bannon gave a talk at the Institute for Human Dignity in Rome via Skype saying that “we are in an outright war against jihadist …

New Strategic Airlift Agreements with Russia and Ukraine

Germany and nine of its NATO/EU allies and partners will continue relying on Russian and Ukrainian An-124 aircraft to transport heavy and outsize loads in support of their international military …

Ripple Effects of a Trump Win: The Nuclear Debate in Germany

The ripple effects of Donald Trump’s election victory continue to expand around the world. “What if” questions have emerged in corners of thinking about alliances, treaties, and traditions which had …

European Defense at Snail’s Pace: EU Defense Cooperation Remains Sluggish Despite Shifted German Military Role

The question of Europe’s ability to stabilize its neighborhood and even to defend its own territory was high on the agenda this year. The election of Donald Trump—who repeatedly questioned …

With Trump, the U.S. Foreign Policy Framework is at Risk

Now that president-elect Donald Trump has selected his national security team, what course will he set? In a recent interview Henry Kissinger, the US secretary of state in the 1970s, …

Leadership Profile:  NATO Intelligence Chief Dr. Arndt Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven

German Ambassador Dr. Arndt Burchard Ludwig, Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven was selected to become NATO’s first intelligence chief on 21 October 2016 and took up his new post in December.   …

Germany is One of America’s Most Important European Allies, the Next President Must Understand Why

The transatlantic community is understandably concerned about the shocking election of Donald J. Trump as the next U.S. president. It is an outcome that no one saw coming—not even experts …

Rethinking European Security: Strategic Implications of Brexit and Trump’s Victory

The future European security architecture will be decided on two questions: Will the EU and the UK choose the path of a hard line to demonstrate EU unity on the …

Trump’s World

Donald Trump has tapped anger over eroding middle class income, loss of identity, and anti-establishment fervor in a campaign of anger that won the Electoral College vote and the presidency …