AGI Senior Fellow Sarah Lohmann Speaks on Big Data and Cybersecurity in Ottawa
Washington, DC, Oct. 11, 2018 – AGI Senior Fellow and Manager of AGI’s Cybersecurity Programs Sarah Lohmann spoke on the opportunities for innovation provided by big data and cybersecurity at …

A Democratic Response to Digital Disinformation: The Role of Civil Society
Numerous factors complicate efforts to combat digital disinformation, not the least of which is the near impossibility of establishing a universal set of standards that could define what is and …

Digital Propaganda and Cyber Threats: The Role of Politics and the State
Politics and the state are facing new challenges posed by digital propaganda and cyber threats since the obvious aim of those digital propaganda campaigns and cyberattacks is to undermine democracy, …

The Parliamentary View: Protecting Our Societies from Propaganda and Disinformation
Understanding Disinformation and Digital Propaganda Today’s interconnected societies have largely benefited from the Internet. The world-wide web enables unlimited information sharing, communication, and transactions. Some argue that data has replaced …

The War with Words – Digital Propaganda as a Multilateral, Multi-Perspective, and Multi-Stakeholder Challenge
Maxwell Aitken, the first Baron of Beaverbrook (1879-1964), was a successful Canadian-British businessman, a newspaper editor, and, even in younger years, an influential grey eminence in British politics. Given his …
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Google 2.0 in China? A Look at the Global Competition for Tech Dominance
Hundreds of Google employees recently signed a letter over ethical concerns about the company’s transparency on a secret project intended for the Chinese market. Known internally as Dragonfly, the project …

Where Does Cyber Defense Stop and Offense Begin?
It is a well-known platitude that the Internet transcends national boundaries, just as it does domestic and foreign policy. However, when countless information technology (IT) networks are bound together in …

Critical Infrastructure Security, Resilience, and the Internet of Systems – A U.S. Perspective
Pervasive and still-growing global connectivity continues to shape and change our world, our economies, our societies, and many elements of human behavior. Along with devices and their software and applications, …

Regulation in the Cybersphere: International and National Debates
A new hack on the German Bundestag at the beginning of 2018 caused a sensation and again brought the explosive nature of cybersecurity policy challenges to the forefront of the …

Confidence Building in an Era of Distrust: Baby Steps Toward a Stronger Cyber Defense
In the era of distrust that has followed the Snowden revelations, changing administrations, and a transatlantic relationship that is publicly unraveling, “confidence building measures” (CBMs) is a loaded term. In …

Countering Threats Together in the Cybersphere
When the Internet was created, engineers, users, and even political decision-makers were full of idealism. Yet such benign uses of information and communication technology (ICT) are not the whole story. …

The Future of War?
Just as people expect government to defend the physical world, they also expect government to protect the cyber realm. Governments must have the means to hold criminals and non-state and …