A G7 Climate Club to Booster Transatlantic Relations?
Since January, Germany has held the presidency of the Group of 7 (G7). In line with its own national priorities, the German government announced ambitious climate policy goals for its …
Christopher Pavenstädt, AGI Visiting Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Christopher Pavenstädt as a Visiting Fellow in June 2022. Christopher Pavenstädt is a research associate in the cluster of excellency Climate, Climatic Change and Society …

Unforeseen Challenge for Germany’s G7 Presidency: Time for a Comprehensive Perspective
The Problem of Thinking in Silos In January 2022, the German government published its policy priorities for the G7-Presidency of this year. They are sensible and well placed. In fact, …

Germany Emerges from Economic Realpolitik
The 178-page coalition agreement announced last week by Germany’s next government comprised of the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP) and called “Alliance for Freedom, Justice, and Sustainability” …

One Year after U.S. Elections: What Is the Status of the Transatlantic Trade Relationship?
Honeymoon Is Over, But Both Sides Committed to Make It Work One year ago, all of us in Europe were eagerly waiting for the results of the U.S. elections. The …
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The Trade-Climate Nexus and the Future of the Global Trading System
Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, both in November 2021, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish authored a report for the Konrad …

Nudging Germany toward a More Strategic Economic Role
The Social Democrats have come out on top in yesterday’s German election and are likely to lead the next government. But despite their losses, the Christian Democrats may still have …
Thomas Fröhlich, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Thomas Fröhlich as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from September to November 2021. Dr. Fröhlich currently holds a prestigious ESRC postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of …

Trade and Climate: A Looming Transatlantic Face-Off?
The idea that trade policies should be put to work on behalf of climate goals is gaining increasing currency. In a striking case of serendipity, the European Union and the …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Climate Policy Legacy?
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s legacy on climate policy? Carol Hager Bryn Mawr College Angela Merkel was dubbed the “Climate Chancellor” during her first term in office. Now, at …

Where Do They Stand on Climate? Comparing German Party Programs
Climate politics is back on the agenda. According to a recent poll, 34 % of the Germans consider environment and climate an important current issue. Still far away from their …

AGI-KAS Transatlantic Trade Week
The American-German Institute at Johns Hopkins University and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung collaborated on a series of online events examining three areas for U.S.-EU trade policy cooperation. These include agreeing a joint …