Banking & Finance


A New Dawn, or Just a New Phase of the Crisis?

Another EU summit, another plan to solve the debt crisis that fails to calm market fears. In his essay A New Dawn, or Just a New Phase of the Crisis?, Alexander Privitera, Washington-based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24, examines the current state of the sovereign debt crisis following last week’s EU summit. According to Mr. Privitera, Angela Merkel’s continued unwillingness to openly discuss some of the proposed top options for solving the crisis is only fueling market concerns over the euro.

Turkey and Germany – Stable Economies, Stable Ties?

In Turkey and Germany – Stable Economies, Stable Ties?, Humboldt University graduate student and former AICGS intern Ursula Moffitt explains the political and economic path Turkey has taken to become a “model” country in the region. According to Ms. Moffitt, because of the relative stability and success in Turkey in recent years, Germany should look to strengthen the “privileged partnership” it shares with Turkey in the wake of the current euro zone crisis.

Euro in Limbo

Germany is (one) key to the future of the Euro. Germany is a country endowed with a Chancellor who is capable and willing to lead. It is, however, also a …

Saying “Yes” to the euro in Germany: from piano to forte!

At any wedding celebration, the audience usually expects a loud and firm “Yes”. In European politics these days, Germany’s partners expect a loud and firm “Yes” to whatever proposal for …

Transatlantic Trade and Globalization

In this week’s AICGS Podcast, Dr. Jackson Janes talks with Klaus Deutsch (Deutsche Bank Research), Oliver Wieck (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.), and Alexander Privitera (Washington-based Special Correspondent for German news channel N24) about the challenges facing transatlantic trade relations in an increasingly fragile global economic environment.

The Eurozone Crisis and Implications for the United States

European leaders finally agreed to a more comprehensive plan to help bring the euro out of its current crisis. However, many experts agree that there is still much more that needs to be done to bring Europe, and the global economy as a whole, out of this mess. This week’s AICGS Advisor examines a few of the expert opinions on what still lies ahead:
Peter S. Rashish, Vice President for Europe & Eurasia, U.S Chamber of Commerce, gives his testimony before the House Financial Services subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade on the U.S. implications of the euro zone crisis and what should be done to bolster trade between the two partners.

The Malaise

In his essay entitled The Malaise, Alexander Privitera, Washington-based N24 Special Correspondent and frequent AICGS contributor, examines the pessimistic mood growing among the U.S. population about the current state, and future, of the economy. With confidence in the ability of the U.S. economy to rebound falling, as well as the increasing failure of leaders to act, populist movements like the Tea Party may take root in the more widespread sentiment of the American people.

The Dirty Secret of the U.S.-European Relationship

Underneath the cloak of a never-ending list of foreign issues lies the heart of the transatlantic relationship: trade. According to the essay The Dirty Secret of U.S.-European Relations by Jan Techau, Director of Carnegie Europe and a frequent AICGS program participant, this makes for a “boring” partnership, despite the general goodwill between both sides. However, with the economic crisis continuing to weaken the global positions of the U.S. and Europe, both sides will have to begin to build a more meaningful relationship to stave off their respective declines.

Germany’s Vote Does Not Equate to a Blank Check

In his essay entitled Germany’s Vote Does Not Equate to a Blank Check, frequent AICGS contributor Alexander Privitera explains that Merkel and her coalition survived the latest vote on the EFSF, but that the vote may signal a line in the sand for German assistance to profligate members of the euro.

Bundestag Approves Increase in EFSF Fund

There is an expression in German soccer that says: after the game is before the game. You may have won or lost one game but the next one is fast approaching, sometimes with little time to prepare…the German Bundestag was an important “game” for the Chancellor to prove that she has sufficient support to push her agenda forward.

Economic Impact of the Deutsche Börse-NYSE Euronext Merger on the EuropeanFinancial Markets

As the eurozone crisis continues to build, the possible ramifications for the U.S. of a European economic disaster, such as a Greek default, are taking center stage. While political rifts have been exposed at the hands of the crisis, so has the depth of financial interdependence between both sides of the Atlantic. A recent report on the financial impacts of the Deutsche Börse-NYSE Euronext exchange merger by Prof. Dr. Henrik Enderlein, Associate Dean and Professor of Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance and a frequent participant at AICGS programs, shows that the overall financial stability of the U.S. and Europe are deeply interconnected, as is their standing in the global markets.

All Eyes on Berlin

With the euro-zone fully entrenched in economic crisis, Europe’s leaders are scrambling to avoid contagion reaching some of the area’s largest economies, notably France and Italy. With the measures taken thus far having failed to calm market nerves, the focus will be shifting to Germany and its Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to lead the euro-zone back to greener pastures, according to AICGS Non-Resident Fellows Dr. Norbert Walter, Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens, and Dr. Klaus Deutsch, as well as frequent AICGS contributor Alexander Privitera.