Public Debt: A Tale of Two Worlds
Ask a number of economists at which level public debt becomes dangerous and you will get many different answers. In the wake of the great financial crisis in 2007-8, Kenneth …

Gambling Europe’s Future
Overcome by a bout of despair, the French president confided to one of his closest advisers that “this is a country which is disintegrating, and I can do nothing about …

Public Debt: Is the Next Crisis Looming?
Debt sustainability has a lot to do with trust. There are early warning indicators for sovereign debt crises that can indicate an incipient loss of confidence. However, fiscal and monetary …

William O’Connell, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome William O’Connell as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in May and June 2023. William O’Connell is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at …

The European Central Bank’s Inflation Dilemma
Major central banks have finally accepted that inflationary pressures are here to stay. Both the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank now admit that price increases are not a …
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Scholz’s Next Big Challenge: Reforming the EU’s Debt Rules
The Ukraine crisis has caught the new German government largely by surprise and is providing an early test for the new coalition and its leader, Chancellor Olaf Scholz. His response …

Will France Lead the EU to More “Autonomy”?
To mark the start of France’s six-month presidency of the European Union, President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen honored two French citizens at a January …
Michael Schwan, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Michael Schwan as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Dr. Schwan is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany …

Draghi to the Rescue, Act Two
Italian prime minister Mario Draghi describes his own country as “beautiful, but fragile.” The former central banker is trying to replicate in Italy what he did for the monetary union …

A Digital Euro and Central Bank Digital Currencies
Cryptocurrencies continued to make headlines in 2020 and early 2021. For one thing, Bitcoin rallied again in November, December, and the beginning of January, lifting its price to more than …

After the EU Summit: Without the UK, A Single Economic Future?
The European Union’s €750 billion “Next Generation EU” pandemic recovery fund announced at the EU summit on Tuesday has broken important new ground. Assuming the European Parliament gives its approval …

EU Special Summit Agrees on Post-Pandemic Recovery Fund
After four days of intensive negotiations, the EU special summit has finally made a breakthrough: EU leaders agreed on a recovery fund to combat the economic consequences of the coronavirus …

From CARE Packages to Coronabonds: Will the EU Step Up?
The third coronavirus rescue package agreed last week by the U.S. Congress has a name that echoes: the CARES Act. Short for “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security,” it recalls …

Will the EU’s Climate Law Turn Europe Green?
In a few weeks, the European Union will unveil the long awaited European Climate Law, designed to “set the direction of travel for EU climate action, give predictability for investors …