
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Energy Security Risk Assessment: A Transatlantic Comparison

The U.S. and West Germany once shared similar energy profiles and similar global energy challenges. Through the 1960s and in the beginning of the 1970s, with largely comparable energy mixes, …

Climate 2.0 – Can Geoengineering Make the World a Safer Place?

Wizardry to some, anathema to others, geoengineering—or climate engineering—is slowly encroaching on the territory of traditional climate policy. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) next Assessment Report, due in …

Contingency Planning in Europe

Krzysztof Bledkowski, Senior Economist and Council Director at the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation and frequent AGI participant, takes a look at the possible contingency planning that companies operating …

The €20 Billion Problem in Germany’s Statutory Health Insurance

Health care policy experts in Germany are discussing a bizarre problem: What to do with €20 billion of accumulated reserves in the Statutory Health Insurance System? Of course, the availability …

Health Care Reform in Germany: 2011 Reform

Overview While the United States Congress passed health care reform in 2010, the German government worked on a less comprehensive reform of its own system. The U.S. reform, enacted by …

Health Care Reform in the United States: The Affordable Care Act

Overview On 23 March 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. The result of months of political conflict and compromise, this law entails …

Health Care Reform in the U.S. Presidential Election

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which President Obama signed in March 2010, is considered by supporters as one of the president’s culminating achievements to date. The Act has …

The Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court

Background Since its passing in 2010, opponents of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have launched legal challenges on the health care reform on the basis of its constitutionality. …

White, Grey, and Black (Euro) Swans: Dealing with Transatlantic Financial Risk in 2012

The idea that the euro crisis is over is hopeful at best, naïve at worst. It is far from over. We are actually at the beginning of a dangerous new …

The Politics of Central Banking

According to AICGS Senior Fellow Alexander Privitera, both the Federal Reserve (FED) and the European Central Bank (ECB) are increasingly becoming political bodies, forced by growing public scrutiny to build their own constituencies.

Facing New Realities: Europe’s Future Role in the IMF

Paul Maeser, an APSA Congressional Fellow for the German Marshall Fund of the United States, examines the changing role of European nations within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a result of the debt crisis surrounding the euro.