U.S. Loses in Attempt to Isolate New Chinese Development Bank
The recent spat between the U.S. administration and the British government over the UK’s decision to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)–despite U.S. opposition–has triggered much public noise. Initial …
European Apprenticeship: A Model for the U.S.?
Issue Brief 49 What are elements of a successful apprenticeship system? To what degree should businesses be engaged in educating their workforce, and what other actors should participate in decision-making …
Dombret Speaks on the State of the Euro Zone at Langhammer Series Event
Speaking at today’s Langhammer Series event, member of the Executive Board of the Bundesbank Dr. Andreas Dombret summarized the state of the euro area and focused on the role of …
The European Economy: Where Does It Stand and Where Should It Go?
Growth in Europe is still fragile. The euro area exited from recession in spring 2013, following six quarters of declining GDP, but stagnated just one year later. Weak private sector …
Grexit: The Wrong Way Out of the Crisis
Now that the latest installment of the Greek drama is over, it is useful to draw some lessons from the experience. It has become clear that the tail risk of …
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Support Our WorkGreece and the Euro Zone
German chancellor Angela Merkel is nothing if not the embodiment of pragmatism. It is time that she demonstrates that trait with regard to Greece. In 2009, the chancellor did a …
Merkel’s Double Challenge
Recent developments in Europe have caused a rush of adrenaline to political leaders’ heads across the continent. The dramatic expansion of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) program of asset purchases, …
What Kind of QE?
Many Europe observers already seem to have written off yet another year. To be sure, headlines have not been kind to the old continent, and in particular the euro zone, …
The Germany-Bubble: A Last Hurrah for a Great Economy
The newest book by Olaf Gersemann, Business editor of Die Welt and Welt am Sonntag, is bound to both offend and encourage. In assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Germany’s …
(Re-)Building Coalitions
Reforming the EU is hardly possible without coalitions of “builders” – member states willing and able to engage in sustainable coalition building at the EU level. Since 2008, the EU …
Banking Union: Another Step on the European Journey
The start of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in the euro zone adds an important element to the euro’s financial ecosystem. It should help to restore trust in the system …