
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Germany Has a Math Problem, and It’s about to Get Worse

What the numbers say about the energy landscape In this traditional state of Bavaria where election banners offering defense of “Heimat” (Homeland) seized the day in the last election, the …

Thomas Fröhlich, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Thomas Fröhlich as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from September to November 2021. Dr. Fröhlich currently holds a prestigious ESRC postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of …

Trade and Climate: A Looming Transatlantic Face-Off?

The idea that trade policies should be put to work on behalf of climate goals is gaining increasing currency. In a striking case of serendipity, the European Union and the …

The Fight Against Money Laundering: Germany Expands its Transparency Register

In Germany and the United States, criminals often hide behind a complicated web of companies that does not reveal the individuals who control the entities. But there are also many …

Adapting the Global Tax System to the 21st Century Economy

Since 2012, the OECD has been exploring options to prevent tax avoidance by large international corporations. These efforts were massively pushed by Janet Yellen when she called for a global …

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Where Do They Stand on Climate? Comparing German Party Programs

Climate politics is back on the agenda. According to a recent poll, 34 % of the Germans consider environment and climate an important current issue. Still far away from their …

Peter Rashish Interviewed on Chancellor Merkel’s Washington, DC, Visit

Ahead of the meeting between the U.S. and German leaders, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke with  the Italian news site In the interview, “Biden’s Bet on Merkel and …

After Merkel’s Steady Hand, A More European and Strategically-Minded Germany?

On July 15, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with President Joe Biden in the White House, the first European leader to visit him since he took office in January. …

The Reinvention of State Services?

The Role of Organizational Purpose for Publicly Owned Companies in Germany Purpose is one of the key concepts of our time when it comes to a new entrepreneurial understanding. Companies …

AGI Experts Preview Merkel’s Visit to Washington

Securing a Transatlantic Legacy Jeff Rathke, President Chancellor Merkel makes her last official visit to Washington just weeks before the September 26 Bundestag election will punctuate her path-breaking career as …

American Spending Spree—Echoes from the Past and Lessons for the Future

Negotiations are ongoing in Congress on the American Jobs Plan and the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act. The former is a $2 trillion infrastructure spending bill originally proposed in March …

AGI-KAS Transatlantic Trade Week

The American-German Institute at Johns Hopkins University and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung collaborated on a series of online events examining three areas for U.S.-EU trade policy cooperation. These include agreeing a joint …