Deutschland, Allein zu Haus
Man konnte es in Berlin beobachten. Als der Economist im Sommer 2013 in einer aufwendigen Titelgeschichte Deutschland als „zögerlichen Hegemon“ bezeichnete, fühlte sich die deutsche Außenpolitik seltsam geschmeichelt. Natürlich wurde …
2014: Marking Twentieth Century Milestones
During 2014, there will be many different historical milestones, marked with differing purposes yet often with overlapping messages. Three in particular will stand out for Germany, but will be marked …
A Holiday Message from AGI
As 2013 comes to a close, we at AGI would like to wish you a very happy holiday season. Our 30th year has been a busy one, beginning with the …
Enlargement and Estrangement in Brussels
Miles’ Law of Administration, “Where you stand depends on where you sit“, seems to take a new twist when it comes to the EU’s Enlargement policy. Given the physical relocation …
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Support Our WorkA Transatlantic Earthquake in the Wake of the NSA Revelations
While revelations about comprehensive U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance have dismayed people around the world, Germans have been particularly shocked and continue to be angry. It is not “old …
Merkel 3.0
After a record breaking period of coalition negotiations, Angela Merkel finally starts her third term as Chancellor this week. Her government’s success will depend on the ability of three parties …
Cyber Policy in Germany and the U.S.: Challenges in an Emerging Policy Field
Introduction: Digitization as Political Challenge As Tessier Stall notes, “[c]yberspace is both the playground and the battleground of the future.”[1] Digitization is a great opportunity for society and modern information …
Does Germany’s Step to the Left Sacrifice the Economy?
Arguing in Forbes that the Free Democratic Party’s exit from the Bundestag spells stagnation for the German and European economies, Doug Bandow details the FDP’s long slide to missing the …