Security & Defense

German-American defense and security ties and the NATO alliance are critical to meeting modern threats. Moving past the traditional threats found in earlier years, today’s concerns range from rouge states, to cybersecurity, to terrorism, and more. German-American cooperation is essential.

The Two-Letter Word Leaders are Letting Define the Transatlantic Relationship: 5G

If last year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) marked the very public breakup of the United States’ relationship with Europe, this year’s stage message was that Europe had moved on, for …

Dazed and Confused: Germany’s Inner Struggle to Mature

This year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) once again illustrated the stark contrast in world views on matters of international security and defense. While it was to be expected that Western …

Geopolitics in the Trump Era: The Dual Challenge of Russia and China for Europe and the Need for a New Containment Strategy

Europe faces a serious new security dilemma. With the cancellation of the INF Treaty as a result of Russia’s treaty-violating nuclear build-up and modernization, Europe is now more than ever …

Philip Ackermann, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Philip Ackermann as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February 2019. Philip A. Ackermann is a Research Fellow with …

Germany and European Security: Ready to Leave the Comfort Zone Yet?

2019 will be a pivotal year for European security. NATO, the central pillar of Europe’s security architecture to date, turns 70, while the gap between the United States and European …

The German Strategic Debate Gets Serious

As the annual Munich Security conference convenes this weekend, the debate on how Germany and Europe should respond to the Trump administration’s positions on NATO and the European Union (EU) …

Judy Asks: Is NATO Deterrence a Paper Tiger?

Far from it. Deterrence rests on risk calculation and doubt. The costs of challenging the deterrent have to be just high enough to discourage risk taking. While Putin was surprised …

US expected to announce US suspension of landmark INF arms control treaty

On the U.S. suspension of the INF Treaty, AGI President Jeff Rathke told CNN that Europe is “worried about US withdrawal in particular because it takes the pressure off of …

Fostering Tunisia’s Democratic Transition: Why Germany, Europe, and the United States Need to Join Forces

The awarding of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet gives hope that Tunisia is becoming a model of democracy in the region. Following the 2010 …

A European Army: The Wrong Choice for Germany Among Greater Defense Woes

French president Emmanuel Macron’s call for a European army at the beginning of November was met with some justified eye-rolling on both sides of the Atlantic.  Chancellor Merkel and defense …

Germany’s Road Ahead: Four Years into the Munich Consensus

It seems that Germany has come a long way since February 2014 when decision-makers proclaimed the “Munich consensus.” In it, then-federal president Joachim Gauck, then-foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (who has …

Report and Executive Summary: Bonn International Security Forum

From November 18-20, 2018, the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG) of Bonn University and the American-German Institute (AGI) of Johns Hopkins University hosted the third Bonn International Security …