Foreign Policy

Today, Germany stands at the center of Europe and is the most influential member of the European Union. Germany is a key partner of the U.S. in its most important international relationships. There is no other country with which the U.S. shares a stronger mix of interests and values on twenty-first century challenges.

Reading Between the Lines of U.S. China Policy

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave a speech to George Washington University on May 26 with the admirably straightforward title of “The Administration’s Approach to the People’s Republic of …

Led From Behind

Understanding Germany’s Changing Russia Policy Since late 2021, with an ever more apparent threat of Russia invading Ukraine, NATO states increasingly sent military aid to Ukraine and signaled to Moscow …

Germany’s China and Russia Policy in the Election and Beyond

The new German government will have to revise and reshape the legacy of the Merkel era on Russia and China policies. It will have to balance the economic interests of …

The EU’s Old School Approach to Russian Oil

Over the last two years, the European Union has innovated in a remarkable fashion to strengthen both its internal and external roles as an economic actor. As the EU struggles …

The Potential Role of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in a Rapidly Changing Global Economic Order

In an important speech on April 13, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that “…the war between Russia and Ukraine has redrawn the contours of the world economic outlook.” Amid …

Episode 57: U.S. and European Responses to Economic and Strategic Challenges from China

On this episode of The Zeitgeist, Daniel Gros, Member of the Board and Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), joins AGI President Jeff Rathke and Peter …

China as a Cause of Transatlantic Tension and Cooperation

From Tiananmen Square to the War in Ukraine U.S. and European relations with China have been seldom smooth and harmonious. But rivalry and competition have also characterized the transatlantic allies’ …

The 2022 French Presidential Elections

A Second Term for Macron the European French President Emmanuel Macron won a second term in office on April 24th, after defeating Marine Le Pen for the second time in …

Episode 55: Russia’s War on Ukraine and Europe’s Response

On this episode of The Zeitgeist, Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, joins AGI President Jeff Rathke and Peter Rashish, Director of AGI Geoeconomics Program. …