Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Germany: Reluctant Leader and Indispensable Power

In this article in the Globalist, co-author of AGI German-American Issues 12 Ambassador J.D. Bindenagel outlines Germany’s post-election future in the euro zone, broader foreign policy, and leadership in the …

Is Angela Merkel Too Boring for Germany?

In this op-ed, Süddeutsche Zeitung Foreign Editor Stefan Kornelius highlights Chancellor Angela Merkel’s methodical leadership style as a paradox. This style makes her a capable crisis-manager, but also a poor …

Germany’s Sleepy but Significant Election

In this recent essay, frequent AGI contributor and Peterson Institute for International Economics Senior Fellow Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard highlights the general consensus on economic policy issues that matter to …

A Battle Over Who Will Rule with Merkel

David Marsh, frequent AGI participant and Director and Co-chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), writes that the remaining week of Bundestag election campaigning will decide between …

A Paean to Boredom: Speculations on the Outcome of the Bundestag Election

Writing on the post-electoral scramble to form a governing coalition in the Huffington Post on September 9, Dr. Andrei Markovits and Joseph Klaver find this year’s election process “another boring ingredient …

Germany’s Proliferating Parliament

Germany’s Bundestag contains one of the largest numbers of elected officials in the world—and it is about to get even bigger. Currently housing 620 members, the size of the Bundestag …

A Month to Go: The Lull before the German Elections

With only slightly more than a month left before Germans go to the polls to elect a new Bundestag, the mood across Europe seems to be shifting from decidedly gloomy …

Yellen-Merkel: A Possible Tandem of Powerful Women

Frequent AGI participant and Director, Co-chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial Institution Forum (OMFIF), David Marsh recently detailed prospects for strong female leadership in the German chancellory and U.S. …

A Man of Dual-Morals, President Barack Obama

In his recent front-page article in German in der Tagesspiegel, frequent AGI participant, Prof. Dr. Christian Hacke, evaluates President Barack Obama’s hawkish leadership in American security policy, posture, and relationship …

Dishonest Accusations: Dr. Jackson Janes on the NSA Scandal

Featured today on Stern Magazine’s website, AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes’ article, titled “Eure Anfeindungen sind verlogen” (Translated: “Your Accusations are Dishonest”), challenges German reactions to the revelations of NSA …

Attempt at a “Youth Guarantee”

Improving youth unemployment has always been a priority for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration. On July 3, 2013, the Chancellor called a summit with 18 fellow European leaders and 28 …

A Summer of Anxious Anticipation in the Euro Zone

Frequent contributor and participant at AGI, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard recently detailed his analysis of summer developments in the euro zone crisis. Connecting developments as diverse as German politicians’ pre- and …