Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

Refugee Realities: Between Bridges and Boundaries

Just as she marks the tenth anniversary of her tenure as chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is confronted with a crisis—one whose magnitude diminishes others she has encountered over the …

Anti-Corruption in Germany

Germany has traditionally been seen as a country where corruption is under control. This was further supported when Transparency International (TI), the largest and most prominent anti-corruption NGO, published its …

Higher Education in the United States and Germany

In 2014, Lower Saxony became the last German state to completely waive tuition fees for all students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This move comes at a time when …

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies

DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies Politics and International Relations Every year, the American-German Institute (AGI) awards the DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and …

Building a Robust U.S. Work-based Education and Apprenticeship System at Scale:Can Lessons from Europe Help?

Policy Report 62 High youth unemployment in the United States and Europe is a result not only of sluggish growth, but also a skills mismatch—the new generation of workers lacks …

Business & Economics Program Director Alexander Privitera quoted in Bloomberg Article

AGI Business & Economics Program Director Alexander Privitera is quoted in the foreign policy article “A Family Comparison Jeb Bush May Welcome” published by Bloomberg on May 21, 2015. As …

Macht in der Mitte: Die Neuen Aufgaben Deutschlands in Europa

  In light of key challenges that lie ahead for the European Union (EU) as a political and economic entity, Germany’s role as a central power has become increasingly crucial for the cohesion of the EU. In …

The Tattered German-American Relationship Needs the USA FREEDOM Act…More for What It Doesn’t Do than for What It Does

Congress is debating the USA FREEDOM Act in the next days. The House approved Representative Jim Sensenbrenner’s version of the law on Wednesday and the Senate is expected to vote …

Low Voter Turnout Does Not Distort Democracy

AGI Non-Resident Fellow Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte sits down with to discuss the role of Bremen Mayor Jens Böhrnsen in the low voter turnout and explains why the new …

Britain No Longer Has National Parties

There is always a unique drama to an election night in Britain, but the events of Thursday, May 7 surprised even the most hardened of British election watchers (see here …