Germany’s Memory Culture and the Alternative for Germany
Issue Brief 62 For decades, the dominant narrative about the evolution of collective memory in the Federal Republic of Germany has been that after several decades of silence, evasion, and …

Lost in Translation: The Meaning of Sanctuary for Immigrants in the U.S. and Germany
Issue Brief 61 The American concept of “sanctuary cities” for asylum seekers is foreign—and somewhat incomprehensible—to Germans. In the United States, “sanctuary jurisdictions” are relatively few, and they are established …

Migration and Integration in Germany: The First Two Decades of the Twenty-First Century
Issue Brief 60 Few issues in recent years have dominated public and political discourse inside and outside of Germany as migration and integration. The movement of millions of people into …

Between Nationalism and Multilateralism: A Renewed Approach for Transatlantic Economic Engagement
Issue Brief 59 The Ancient Greeks invented the concept of the Golden Mean, and the idea that “the truth lies somewhere in the middle” is a well-rooted one. Given the …

Making the Atlantic Great (Again)? Prospects for New U.S.-EU Trade Negotiations
Issue Brief 58 The idea of a free trade agreement between the United States and the European Union can seem at once inevitable and impossible. Over the last twenty-five years, …
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Transatlantic Dialogue on China: Perceptions, Conflicts, and Potentials
Issue Brief 57 For both Germany and the United States, China has become a foreign policy priority: a major strategic competitor in the Asia-Pacific region for the United States, and …
A Geoeconomic Agenda: Transatlantic Strategy in an Age of Populism
Issue Brief 56 In the face of growing challenges to an open, rules-based global economic order, there is a need to identify new ideas and narratives about the importance of …

Closing the Skills Gap: The Importance of Educating a Diverse Workforce
Issue Brief 55 Anticipated demographic changes in the United States suggest that many communities—and their workforces—will be increasingly minority-based, with Hispanic population growth outpacing other minority groups. Young minorities across …
A Transatlantic Perspective: Welcoming Cities and the Policy and Practice of Refugee and Immigrant Integration
Issue Brief 54 This Issue Brief is the result of an AGI conference held in cooperation with Welcoming America and the Urban Institute in Washington, DC in May 2016 entitled …
Closing the Gap: Can Europe’s Economy Finally Catch Up with the U.S.?
Issue Brief 53 The year 2016 has been characterized by growing uncertainty about the strength of the global economy: uncertainty about the ability of emerging markets—and especially China—to successfully address …
Prioritizing the Partnership: German-American Relations and the 45th President
Issue Brief 52 Foreign policy issues are usually not the driving force behind election campaigns. Compared with the high-pitched debate over domestic issues, only the most pressing foreign policy concerns become part of the public discussion. Yet the …
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A Briefing Note
Issue Brief 51 This Issue Brief is the result of a conference co-hosted by AGI, the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG), and the Bonner Akademie für Forschung und …
Global Cities in the New Global Landscape
Issue Brief 50 What is the nature of power in the post-Cold War era? Can national governments retain their strength and authority in a globalized world? Or will cities and other …
European Apprenticeship: A Model for the U.S.?
Issue Brief 49 What are elements of a successful apprenticeship system? To what degree should businesses be engaged in educating their workforce, and what other actors should participate in decision-making …