

The G20 Trifecta

Germany – Argentina – Japan: Not a list of three regional soccer powerhouses, but rather the troika of past, current, and future presidency countries of the G20. On December 1, …

We Need More Diversity in the Transatlantic Civil Society

Civil society organizations need to be more diverse in order to assume their pivotal role in transatlantic relations, especially in the current period of mutual alienation. In the past, dynamic …

To Be or Not to Be a Woman…in Germany or the U.S.?

Since accusations of sexual assault and harassment by prominent Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have surfaced, different segments of society, both in the U.S. and Germany, have had to grapple with …

How to Explain PESCO to Trump?

Who would have thought that the signing of a new framework for defense cooperation in the European Union is worthy of a push notification? Now political wonks on both sides …

German Economic Leadership in Europe: More Uncertain and More Needed

The instability produced by the failure to form a so-called “Jamaica” coalition in Germany increases the importance of moving from reliance on de facto German leadership of the Eurozone to …

Crafting a Coalition: The Options in Berlin

The results of the September 24 elections—losses by centrist parties and gains by a strong new far-right party—and the subsequent inability of party leaders to forge a coalition in Berlin should be a wakeup call for German politicians of all stripes. 

A Transatlantic Investment Screening Dialogue is Too Important to Rush

Earlier this November, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released its 2017 report, recommending that the U.S. investment screening mechanism, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States …

The Transatlantic Mobility Challenge

The annual conference of the parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an important venue for stakeholders to highlight the blind spots of international …

Risky Bets in Berlin 

Germans are known for wanting order around them—it’s understandable, given past centuries of disorder. But since its inception in 1949, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany has been …

Is Berlin Becoming Weimar?

The collapse of the talks to form a new German government following the election of seven parties (counting the Bavarian CSU as a party separate from the CDU) to the …

Communication Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union: Opening Session Keynote Speech

In his remarks to the 8th European Public Communication Conference earlier this month, Anthony Gardner, the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union from 2014 to 2017, highlighted the importance for …

Including Workers’ Voices in the Digital Transformation

With the digital transformation unfolding across the OECD’s wealthy democracies, all eyes are on California. The land of self-driving cars and artificial intelligence, California has captured the imaginations not just …