

Corona and Public Health Policy in Germany

“It’s COVID-19, stupid!” In Germany, we saw a quick turnaround in responses to the spread of the virus. As the German population has learned about the importance of prevention policies, …

How Will the EU Survive the Coronavirus?

What will be the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Europe?  How will the pandemic change the trajectory of European development? One way to answer these questions is to ask …

Lesson from the Corona Crisis: The Neighbors Have Gone Mad

The article is written in the author’s personal capacity and does not necessarily reflect the views the German government. Spending time alone at home gives you time to think. Time …

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Beyond Pandemic: China, 17+1, and the Influence Competition in the CEE Region

Ever since the inception of the China-CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) Initiative in 2012, officials and politicians in many Western European countries as well as the European Union have …

Promoting Integration and Avoiding Isolation. A Brief History of Germany’s Participation in NATO’s Nuclear Statecraft

Currently, Germany is struggling to decide on a successor for its aging Tornado aircraft. Some of the ancient Tornados are essential to carry forward deployed U.S. nuclear bombs and thus …

Returning to the Past to Win the Future: The SPD in Search of a Long-Term Strategy

Still in the midst of a pandemic and trying to unify a dispirited party with low poll numbers, Germany’s Social Democrats are now trying to revive the uplifting spirit of …

SPD Asks Others to Hold the Nuclear Umbrella

One of Germany’s most significant political figures grabbed and shook an important pillar of transatlantic security a few days ago. Rolf Mützenich, leader of the Social Democratic Party’s (SPD) Bundestag …

The Franco-German Motor Revs Up

At a joint videoconference on May 18, German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Emmanuel Macron proposed a €500 billion Recovery Fund to help EU member states rebound from the …

Testing State Leaders in a Pandemic: The Rise of Andrew Cuomo and Markus Söder

“Never let a crisis go to waste.” So think many politicians when opportunities emerge to amplify their reputations. The truth is that crises do help politicians and voters to separate …