A Break in Bickering? Time off from Tantrums
In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Dr. Jackson Janes discusses the frustrations of voters and their leaders as they both head into a time to perhaps help temper tensions during the coming weeks.
Controversy over German Military Sales to Saudi Arabia
In a highly controversial move, the German parliament has agreed to sell 200 Leopard II tanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While Germany has claimed to have consulted the …
Kommunale Integrationspolitik
Former DAAD/AICGS Fellow Dr. Scott Stock Gissendanner writes that a paradigm shift has occurred in the national framework for local integration policies, resulting in a higher level of policy standardization at the local level. In an essay that was supported by research completed during his stay at AICGS, Dr. Stock Gissendanner argues that as communities try to integrate immigrant populations, the goal is for full integration with permanent residence, a goal which comes from centralized planning at the federal level. This essay originally appeared in the February 14, 2011, edition of Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte and is available in German only.
Europeans Expecting German Leadership
As the euro saga unfolds, one thing is becoming clearer: The structure surrounding the euro has its weaknesses, but the crisis is not really about the currency at all. The current crisis is as much a crisis of EU governance and political mentality as it is of the economic policies of Greece or the ECB, argues AICGS Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum. A version of this essay originally appeared in the June 20, 2011, edition of Handelsblatt.
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Support Our WorkThe Nuclear Power Endgame in Germany
As the era of nuclear energy approaches its end in Germany, the country can show how fast the shift to renewable energy can be achieved, writes R. Andreas Kraemer, Director & CEO of the Ecologic Institute in Berlin and co-author of AICGS Policy Report 31. In an essay that examines the history of the German anti-nuclear power movement and discusses the future of German alternative energy, Kraemer argues that Germany can realistically achieve 100 percent reliance on renewable energy and be the model going forward for other nations in a relatively short time frame. A version of this article originally appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle.
Doha or Dada
Klaus Deutsch, Deutsche Bank Research, provides an analysis on the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization and what the consequences could be if the world’s major trading partners fail to reach any agreement before the talks will presumably end.
Berlin und Paris sind genauso verantwortlich wie Athen
While Greece certainly deserves its share of the blame for the euro crisis, Germany and France are also responsible to a large extent, argues Olaf Gersemann, economics columnist for Die Welt and a regular contributor to the Advisor. Gersemann contends that by acting in the name of monetary integration, Germany and France pushed Greece and others into living beyond their means via the strength of the euro, leading to the current crisis. This essay appeared in the June 19, 2011, edition of Welt am Sonntag and is available in German only.
Narrating the Future; Navigating From the Past
In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Dr. Jackson Janes discusses the key challenges facing Europe and asks why today’s leaders should not be able respond to them as well as their predecessors.
The German Nuclear Energy Phase Out: Neither Revolution Nor Going it Alone
The nuclear energy phase out in Germany is no revolution, writes Marcel Viëtor, Program Officer for Energy and Climate at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and a Visiting Fellow at AICGS in June 2011. From the outside, it may appear as though the German government had come to some sort of radical decision following the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima, Viëtor argues, but instead the withdrawal from nuclear energy in Germany is a process that has been in development for quite some time. A version of this essay originally appeared in Moskovskie Novosti.
Turkey After the Elections – Where is it Heading?
While prevailing opinion delivered by most of Germany’s newspapers labeled the Turkish election results as a major setback for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party, looking at the numbers will quickly make it clear that the AKP is far from legitimately being considered the election’s loser writes DAAD/AICGS Fellow Rana Deep Islam. Mr. Islam examines the election results and argues that the outcome will have a significant impact on Turkey’s foreign policy strategies in dealing with the greater Middle East.
Why the EU needs a Special Representative to Respond to the Arab Spring
The European Union and its member states continue to struggle to find a response to the Arab Spring, write former DAAD/AICGS Fellow Almut Möller and Cornelius Adebahr. Past policy approaches had little impact on the area’s regimes, if anything doing more to support them than reform them. In this report for the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), the authors argue that the EU should reorient its policies and utilize one of its established and successful foreign policy instruments and name an EU Special Representative for North Africa.