

A Transatlantic Earthquake in the Wake of the NSA Revelations

While revelations about comprehensive U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance have dismayed people around the world, Germans have been particularly shocked and continue to be angry. It is not “old …

Merkel 3.0

After a record breaking period of coalition negotiations, Angela Merkel finally starts her third term as Chancellor this week. Her government’s success will depend on the ability of three parties …

Still a Berliner?

On June 26, 1963, one million people lined the streets of Berlin and enthusiastically greeted President John F. Kennedy as he traversed the city on his way to Mayor Willy …

Does Germany’s Step to the Left Sacrifice the Economy?

Arguing in Forbes that the Free Democratic Party’s exit from the Bundestag spells stagnation for the German and European economies, Doug Bandow details the FDP’s long slide to missing the …

Waiting for German Domestic-led Growth

Criticism of German domestic economic policy has reached unprecedented intensity in recent weeks.  The United States Department of Treasury and the European Commission have both called out Germany for its …

Surveillance and Data Protection in the Conflict between European and American Legal Cultures

The uproar in Europe over revelations that the NSA has been taping the phones of world leaders, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, demonstrates that the methods used by America’s …

The German Apprenticeship Model

Watch these clips from this panel from the AGI Annual Symposium: Unfortunately Unqualified: The State of U.S. Jobs and Skills (4:56) German-American Cooperation on Fostering U.S. Apprenticeship Programs (3:44) Not …

Losing our Classical Skills

The latest international test scores of American students and adults give low marks in reading, problem-solving, and, especially, math. It appears we are still nowhere near our peers in Tokyo, …

Germany Emphasizes Eastern Europe’s Independence

After Ukraine’s recent turn toward Russia, Germany has stepped up to remind Eastern Europe and Russia that these states have the independence to choose their own allegiances. Writing in a …

Avoiding the “Nuclear Option”

The two major headlines from the past weekend—Democrats use the “nuclear option” by changing the Senate’s filibuster rules, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry secures a deal temporarily halting …

GroKo: A Coalition for Continuity or Change?

Imagine walking into a hardware store and asking the manager for the most effective fertilizer for a garden or lawn care. “Use GroKo,” he might recommend. “It is an all-purpose …

A New Political Generation and Its Political Parties

Watch these clips from this panel from the AGI Annual Symposium: Top of the Agenda: What Concerns Millennials? (2:44) Will Millennials Breath Life into Transatlantacism? (3:06)  A Perfect Generational Storm: …